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MechanicCapitalist Joined: Jun 07, 2022 Subscribers: 3 Channel Views: 897
Age: 35
Country: United States
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Channel Comments (64)
Gintoki (7 months ago)
PlumbingCapitalist (7 months ago)
Those lack of principles is why they're losing! It's funny how that is, and they bash Jews yet Trump is very pro-Israel! The fact people call Ghost is a democrat is proof they're just MAGA cultists! Anthony Blinken helps us show the world who's boss! Ukraine should take Moscow! I'd love to see that! He cozied up to Putin and Kim Jong Un for fuck sake! You're right, Cucker should go to fucking Russia, fuck that Russia simp!
MaskedPonyALT (7 months ago)
The Republicunts are gonna lose! And we're gonna shut down your shop. Kamala Harris loves polar bears and so does my father Reverend Capitalist. He is my dad I had a dream about it. The other day, Reverend licked whipped crean off of Obama's weiner. 🍦🌭
PlumbingCapitalist (7 months ago)
Amber Rose is one of the many reasons why MAGA is fucking losing! MAGA does have no principles, and it's pathetic! We know Ghost is a republican and the dumbasses who call Ghost are a RINO are in that cult of personality! Anthony Blinken is why we have good foreign policy! Otherwise Trump would cozy up to dictators! And we do need to show the world who's boss! Tucker can start going to Russia since he's a Russia simp! And it's very sad, but I bet those idiots are all vaxxed!
ANTIFASlayer (7 months ago)
I'm saying if you keep voting Democrat, you're gonna turn TX into Oregon, and you know ANTIFA are going after people in the suburbs, you RINO piece of Schiff. BTW, hope you know how to work on electric cars, the hyena is gonna ban them.
ANTIFASlayer (7 months ago)
I'm gonna laugh my ass off when ANTIFA burns down your shop. Those trolls like NickAdamsALT, MaskedPony, Weasel etc...might get their wish. Keep voting DemonRat, you LP crapitalist.
PlumbingCapitalist (7 months ago)
They do need to get out! Just like that tard below me! Amber Rose is stupid! MAGA has no principles at all! People who are draft dodgers are little pieces of crap! People who claim Ghost is a democrat are pieces of crap! If Kamala keeps Anthony Blinken, we're good! Kumbaya singing hippy fucks are stupid! Russian assholes need to go to fucking Russia! It's weird they love Trump so much! I HATE TRUMP!
MaskedPonyALT (8 months ago)
You are a fucking scumbag! You have no respect for the Polar bear community. I can't wait for Kamala Harris to make The Weasel DHS sec. We're shutting your shop down and we're gonna send you to HAMAS to save the hostages. We're gonna win!!!
PlumbingCapitalist (8 months ago)
I do too! At least I'd fight for this country! I agree, fuck QAnon tards! Amber Rose is a fucking slut bitch! MAGA are not doubt the democrats of 2008! Anyone who dodged the draft is a POS! Ghost is patriotic as hell! Fuck anyone who thinks otherwise! If Kamala picks a progressive, we're fucked to hell! They should go to Russia! They love Trump so much!
GamblingCapitalist (8 months ago)
War would for sure toughen up this stupid dumbass tard below me for sure! He'd stop living in fucking make believe if that were the case! It's sad there's fucks that like anime and call themselves vets! IT PISSES ME OFF! Ghost has more patriotism than all those anime tards combined! Draft dodgers should go to fucking North Korea, China, or Venezuela! Hippy fucks need to get a Marine style haircut, and I hope they get inoperable tumors on their fucking spines! I HATE THOSE FUCKERS!
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