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GamblingCapitalist's Channel
GamblingCapitalist Joined: Jun 25, 2022 Subscribers: 4 Channel Views: 2,661
Age: 60
Country: United States
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Channel Comments (380)
BikerCapitalist (7 months ago)
Anyone who has ever received any government assistance aren't allowed to call themselves conservative! Those who live in pretend are the biggest dumbasses ever! They are the democrats of 2008 and it disgusts me! The RNC was a fucking joke! Anti American pieces of crap have no say to talk shit against us! Cucker speaking at the RNC is proof MAGA is controlled by Russia! And those migrants actually are proud to put in work, not unlike pieces of crap born here!
MechanicCapitalist (8 months ago)
War would toughen them up, no doubt! That tard is an annoying piece of shit! People need to stop living in make believe no doubt! I find if you like anime and call yourself a vet, you don't deserve to call yourself one! Those anime tards are probably pro Putin for fuck sake! I SPIT ON DRAFT DODGERS! Hippy fucks do deserve that style of haircut! I know, FUCK THOSE FUCKING PRICKS!
CosmeticsCapitalist (8 months ago)
No doubt that tard probably does both! It really is, if they were capitalists, they wouldn't need to live paycheck to paycheck! If you leave them alone with your dogs, no doubt they'd do disgusting actions to them! I hate hearing the excuses of tards when they live with their parents in their late 20's, 30's, EVEN BEYOND! Anime being so popular in the west is the production of the sick shit in the olympics! And I agree, fuck anime!
VeteranCapitalist (8 months ago)
FUCK ALL ANIME TARDS! You know all these trolls wouldn't say that shit to us in real life because we'd BEAT THEM THE FUCK UP! Living on your own also means you're an adult! You know they'd live on their own if it weren't for that crap! You know anime fruitified men, IT'S DISGUSTING! I agree, that shit is a waste of time, and anyone who partakes in that shit is a fucking loser! It's a waste of money! Too bad they won't! They're tards!
MarineCapitalist (8 months ago)
I agree, those assholes and their stupid sentence fragments and degenerate shit make me want to puke! I hate those autist losers too, I wouldn't piss on them if they were on fucking fire for Christ sake!
CosmeticsCapitalist (8 months ago)
It's very weird how Trump simps for Ivanka! Makes me sick! And I agree, that tard below you is a sick fuck! They probably can't afford a kid and I wouldn't leave them alone with my dog! Living with mammy at 20's, 30's, etc IS PATHETIC! Anyone over the age of 18 that's into anime is a pedo! You're right, all these pedophiles getting caught and the normalization of anime is a strange correlation! You're right, this gender shit is because of anime too! It disgusts me!
MechanicCapitalist (8 months ago)
Fuck the Russians! You know war would toughen them up! True, but it's more likely they won't watch anime after being involved in a war! Ghost is a patriot for sure! Anyone who dodges the draft need to get the fuck out of our country! I hate hippy fucks too! They need to get a haircut too! I hope those fucks get cancer of the cock too! They make me sick!
NickAdamsAlt (8 months ago)
I think its time Nick Adams Alphamale and Avenger run for president in 28. I'm gonna make Jack Black my VP and I will arrest Uncle Clarance Thomas and Samuel Alito for Jan 6. I will replace them with Kyle Grass and Ilhan Omar because I have total imunity. And Weasel will be in my admin. He's gonna be DHS. He's gonna go after Gunrange and Mechanic Crapitalist.
BikerCapitalist (8 months ago)
It really is, and it's pathetic what the republican party has become! Anyone who has ever received NEET bucks is a fucking piece of crap! People need to live in fucking reality, NOT PRETEND! They really should, but the tard right are the democrats of 2008! They probably support China, North Korea, and China! Cucker Carlson being a free man after that Putin interview is proof we're fucked as a nation! At least the illegals actually are glad to work in this great nation!
MarineCapitalist (8 months ago)
Lotta dorky autistic anime assholes on your page, mayne!
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