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Wyatt Shawbitz 🇺🇸
WyattShawbitz1 Joined: Sep 19, 2023 Last Sign In: 1 day ago Subscribers: 10 Video Views: 2,241 Channel Views: 1,901
Age: 21
I decided to open up my VidLii account due to getting suspended on YouTube several times by the no-brainer YouTube CEO Neal Mohan.

So yeah, I thought I would try VidLii as an alternative for YouTube.
Country: United States
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WyattShawbitz1 FlashThemes is finally back up at long last! Linus Weber's plans of getting FlashThemes to shut down for good have failed BIG TIME! (1 month ago)
WyattShawbitz1 FlashThemes is finally back up at long last! Linus Weber's plans of getting FlashThemes to shut down for good have failed BIG TIME! (1 month ago)
WyattShawbitz1 Well, It looks like I don't need to use Wrapper Online Diamond now that FlashThemes is officially making its comeback from the dead. (1 month ago)
WyattShawbitz1 I won't be able to publish new FlashThemes videos for a while due to FlashThemes being sued by Vyond. (1 month ago)
WyattShawbitz1 Oh for fucks sake… Where am I going to make videos by using the original Vyond (Go!Animate) themes now? (1 month ago)
Channel Comments (269)
WyattShawbitz1 (1 month ago)
FlashThemes is finally back up at long last!

Linus Weber's plans of getting FlashThemes to shut down for good have failed BIG TIME!
WyattShawbitz1 (1 month ago)
Well, It looks like I don't need to use Wrapper Online Diamond now that FlashThemes is officially making its comeback from the dead.
WyattShawbitz1 (1 month ago)
I won't be able to publish new FlashThemes videos for a while due to FlashThemes being sued by Vyond.
WyattShawbitz1 (1 month ago)
Oh for fucks sake… Where am I going to make videos by using the original Vyond (Go!Animate) themes now?
WyattShawbitz1 (2 months ago)
A certain 22-year old Italian mafia GoFag will never change at all.

As a matter of fact, He's still stuck in 2015 himself.
WyattShawbitz1 (2 months ago)
A certain 22-year old Italian mafia GoFag nigger has gone nuts, I tell you. NUTS!
WyattShawbitz1 (3 months ago)
Odysee, Eh?

I may create my account on there soon. Just to see whether if they allow violent FlashThemes content or not.
WyattShawbitz1 (3 months ago)
One thing I forgot to mention about BitChute is that if your BitChute account is set to private mode, Go to edit channel, Then onto “Channel State”, And press “Show Channel” if you want your BitChute account to be set/seen to the public.
WyattShawbitz1 (3 months ago)
If you see some money thing pop up on your newly created BitChute account, Press “Back”. Don't press on the money thing.
WyattShawbitz1 (3 months ago)
To everyone who is still making violent FlashThemes videos on VidLii: Be careful what you do. VidLii has gotten strict with graphic content with blood nowadays. Even if they're used with FlashThemes.

So whatever you do, I suggest y'all to move to this VidLii alternate called “BitChute”. It's just like VidLii, But not strict as the new current VidLii. BitChute even allows violent FlashThemes content too iirc.
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