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Wyatt Shawbitz 🇺🇸
WyattShawbitz1 Joined: Sep 19, 2023 Last Sign In: 1 day ago Subscribers: 10 Video Views: 2,241 Channel Views: 1,901
Age: 21
I decided to open up my VidLii account due to getting suspended on YouTube several times by the no-brainer YouTube CEO Neal Mohan.

So yeah, I thought I would try VidLii as an alternative for YouTube.
Country: United States
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Recent Activity
WyattShawbitz1 FlashThemes is finally back up at long last! Linus Weber's plans of getting FlashThemes to shut down for good have failed BIG TIME! (1 month ago)
WyattShawbitz1 FlashThemes is finally back up at long last! Linus Weber's plans of getting FlashThemes to shut down for good have failed BIG TIME! (1 month ago)
WyattShawbitz1 Well, It looks like I don't need to use Wrapper Online Diamond now that FlashThemes is officially making its comeback from the dead. (1 month ago)
WyattShawbitz1 I won't be able to publish new FlashThemes videos for a while due to FlashThemes being sued by Vyond. (1 month ago)
WyattShawbitz1 Oh for fucks sake… Where am I going to make videos by using the original Vyond (Go!Animate) themes now? (1 month ago)
Channel Comments (269)
WyattShawbitz1 (4 months ago)
@JohnBeaumont Despite the April 2024 incident on MeWe, I accept your apology now that peace is fully restored.
JohnBeaumont (4 months ago)
Wyatt Shawbitz, I would like to apologize to you and the rest of Timothy Calverick allies for what I did. I will also apologize to Bradley Schofield for what I did back in April and suspend my haters, I am sorry for talking shit, stalking people, and more actions I did in the past
WyattShawbitz1 (5 months ago)
You know what? Since I have nobody else to target anymore, I'm officially retiring from the crappy war against the people I hate (Including Michael Stiffarm) for good.

Especially since some dark side members who used to go against us have either all quit the internet or moved on to harassing celebrities.

Starting today, I will be enjoying my peaceful life on my own.
WyattShawbitz1 (5 months ago)
Even Arash Ajaib, Chang Tusimida, Marcel Zündapp and Tobias Zündapp have all retired from the war as well.

Not to mention that they're planning to make videos out of celebrities on FlashThemes during their war retirements.
WyattShawbitz1 (5 months ago)
Now that peace has been restored, I am planning to retire from the war soon as part of my own victory.

It has been over a year since I've been participating in it.
WyattShawbitz1 (5 months ago)
Following the disbanding of the Chris Bonchano allies, My friends and I are now officially done making birthday videos out of the people we hate for good.

It's a waste of time nowadays. Especially since the now-extinct Chris Bonchano allies are all gone from the internet nowadays.
WyattShawbitz1 (5 months ago)
Everyone in the Chris Bonchano allies (Jim Harino, Chris Bonchano, Clek Bonchano, Lucas Bonchano, Crosman Shelbert, Coronado Shelbert, Lorkin Cronano, Shabert Cronano, James Bonchano, Mike Bonchano, Michael Bonchano, François Absolon, Sebastian Brisman, William Shitfred, Darien Cromwell and Ethan Sudman) will all forever be forgotten.

Their days of trolling us have come to a complete end. So therefore, Their group is disbanded for GOOD!
WyattShawbitz1 (5 months ago)
IT'S ALL OVER! IT'S FUCKING OVER! The Chris Bonchano allies are officially DONE FOR! PEACE IS NOW RESTORED!!!
WyattShawbitz1 (5 months ago)
Victory is almost there! The Chris Bonchano allies are about to disband once François Absolon gets banned on VidLii.

And once that happens, We may either continue trolling the other people we hate. Or possibly retire from the war peacefully altogether.
WyattShawbitz1 (5 months ago)
Well, It looks like François Absolon is now officially the only asshole in the Chris Bonchano allies left on VidLii now.

He's next to meet his own doom anyway.
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