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TheBDSMLabRats's Channel
TheBDSMLabRats Joined: May 07, 2023 Last Sign In: 2 months ago Subscribers: 4 Channel Views: 155
Age: 80
Country: Mexico
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TheBDSMLabRats became friends with K0K0sMinion (2 months ago)
TheBDSMLabRats commented on a video (1 year ago)
Yoshimasa kills Mookie and ShartHor...
Brain: Even though we're enemies I give this 5 stars. Doxxing is for cowards like Charles. Pinky: 5 stars indeed. And Charles if your reading this go ...
TheBDSMLabRats became friends with LameHackersMinion (1 year ago)
TheBDSMLabRats became friends with TheLaughingSalesman (1 year ago)
TheBDSMLabRats became friends with JombsMinion (1 year ago)
Channel Comments (16)
MexicanCapitalist (2 months ago)
Deported to snake island? Fuck you, puto! I'm not even illegal, so go fuck yourself you furfag piece of shit puto! People listen to True Capitalist Radio, you're just too much of a puto that would rather live in fantasy than live in fucking reality! I bet you don't even have any money in stocks, you worthless puto! And Deadpool? Seriously, puto, grow the fuck up already! You're a fucking stupid ass puto tard who can't grow the fuck up! At least Ghost lets people live in reality!
Fallconn (1 year ago)
TheBDSMLabRats is a nigger
CowboyCapitalist (1 year ago)
I'm only voting Biden if Trump is the nominee you fucking furry or furries! So shut the fuck up, Trump has the blood on his hands of everyone that took that fucking vaccine! And you better stop talking shit about Chris Christie there, you fucking piece or pieces of shit! If you actually paid attention to Ghost recently, you'd know he hates Ben and Jerry's and bashed bud light! Stupid cartoon obsessed furry or furries!
GunRangeCapitalist (1 year ago)
Shut the fuck up you furry of furries piece(s) of shit! You better take that shit back once Christie is the nominee because Christie is the only fucking adult in the room! Fuck Trump, if he's the nominee, I'm either not voting for President, or voting for Biden out of spite? BURNED?! Burn these nuts, you fucking furries! Ghost ain't a brony, HE HATES THAT SHIT! And how dare you call him a RINO! You just don't like how he rightfully bashes Trump for that stupid vaccine and shutting down the U.S!
NavyAdmiralRanmaru (1 year ago)
At least you admit your dick is small.
MexicanCapitalist (1 year ago)
Shut the fuck up you fucking furry asshole or assholes! You're some cartoon watching asshole that still watches cartoons at 78 years old! Grow up already! Ghost isn't even in a wheelchair anyway, and I bet you only think he's Lincoln Project because he hates Trump rightfully! Go shove your stupid Trump loving shit up your ass you fucking furry or furries!
Shizuka (1 year ago)
He's a coward who can't fight for shit.
Sayo (1 year ago)
Tomoko (1 year ago)
Oh my....
NavyAdmiralRanmaru (1 year ago)
I think Chiyo already has a tie up spammer simp.
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