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CowboyCapitalist's Channel
CowboyCapitalist Joined: Jun 26, 2022 Subscribers: 3 Channel Views: 1,220
Age: 33
Country: United States
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Channel Comments (101)
CowgirlCapitalist (1 month ago)
You damn right anime is the reason for that shit! That tard seriously challenged you to fight and then did that? What a fucking tard autist! That makes it even worse that they're twice the age of 18! WE'RE BEING INFESTED BY MANCHILDREN! I dunno what it is with these anime fucks being MAGA, but that shows how stupid Trump's base is! But MAGA doesn't live in reality, even though I do like some things Trump is doing! Ya know, let the "thank you come again!" come, those idiots need to be replaced!
CowgirlCapitalist (2 months ago)
I blame anime too! Just like this fucking tard below me who refuses to grow the fuck up! Fucking tards make me fucking sick! Any man that's over the age of 18 into anime is fucking disturbing! The fuck is wrong with people now?! It's sad many anime freaks are MAGA! I'm glad people are turning on Trump, but I hope those street shitters replace those tards! Trump does have no ideals, and I'm glad watching those tards regret their votes! But Ghost warned them!
Samanosuke (2 months ago)
Samanosuke (2 months ago)
Let's fight, boy!
CowgirlCapitalist (2 months ago)
They really refuse to grow the fuck up! I know, any man who's 30 plus into anime has some serious problems! You know MAGA tards are stupid and they liven in lala land! Probably why so many anime pricks are MAGA tards! They go hand in hand! I know, all these MAGA tards turning on Trump is fucking hilarious, and they know they got had! I'll be laughing last too, you know they're malding, and I'm enjoying seeing it!
Gintoki (2 months ago)
Ooooh! Very scary!
CowgirlCapitalist (3 months ago)
You know that fucker's a tard, the fact he has an anime profile is proof of that! And he's a fucking MAGA tard! Those MAGA tards make me sick! And those MAGA tards are eating crow now!
Gintoki (3 months ago)
Give you bad memories? Good
Gintoki (3 months ago)
Can somebody get this little bastard?
Gintoki (3 months ago)
Ho ho ho! You have been very naughty.
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