Sumisu's Channel
Sumisu Joined: Aug 31, 2022 Subscribers: 30 Video Views: 12,096 Channel Views: 890
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Riffster (1 month ago)
As for me, I live in the San Francisco Bay Area. My mom was born and raised in The Bronx however, and I still have a few distant relatives and a god friend out that way. Have you even been to the west coast? It's a great place to visit, but if you intend on living here you better have deep pockets. It's ridiculously expensive. As far as Shady and those other people, I'm sorry but I don't know them.
Riffster (1 month ago)
Well Anton, nice to meet you as well, although I am not in Seattle. I do remember Seattle Mark very well, since he and I were good friends. It was tragic the way he suddenly passed away, and even more tragic that after all of the hard work and time he put into MJ as a mod, they did NOTHING to even acknowledge his passing. No class.
Riffster (1 month ago)
I know all about those all too annoying copyright restrictions. It has been the bane of my existence for many years. I knew thing were really bad when I uploaded a video of myself playing my guitar with Led Zeppelin playing in the background and it was restricted. You could barely even make out the backing track over my amp, but yeah, that's how bad it is. No idea about all of the gore stuff. No idea why anyone would enjoy that, but to each their own I suppose.
TheEntityReturns (1 month ago)
That makes sense. There are certain things you cannot get away with nowadays. The shows that used to be on tv??? If they were to air today, forget about it lol. All hell would break loose. I can see Jericho and Coco definitely being the same. They act the same even though they try to be different. It's weird. And this is even without him/her being exposed lol.
MatthewRC (1 month ago)
have a good one, Anton :) God bless.
MatthewRC (1 month ago)
What is sailor moon? i have no idea. I joined youtube just for the music at first then got caught up with the wrestling crowd and went from there. I remember this one troll talking about Spain's lineage. I cannot remember the name but they were talking about how Spain lineage was the true race of God. It was ridiculous gimmick. So why are you over seas and when are you returning? I'll have to scroll through your uploads when I get time. See what type of things are interesting to you.
MatthewRC (1 month ago)
Well that's why I'm careful with my pictures. I came close to showing my face several times while on chillspot over the years. Mb wonders why i dont show my face, i just cant take a chance. Im sorry she got your pic. I think Shady didn't like me in 2021 for a bit, she kinda has a different perspective on me and then we got talking and we became friends again. sometimes you have to get to know the person before forming thoughts on them. Ive learned that alot recently.
Riffster (1 month ago)
"Finally you,rob and chris are new channels where the videos and images aren’t of cheese pizza,animal rape and mass shooter/spree shooter edits"...LMAO! I couldn't believe the majority of the content here. I have never even looked at this site until a few days ago, and honestly I was reluctant to join for that reason alone. I'm going to do my best to add some "normal" content.
MatthewRC (1 month ago)
Very interesting. I didn't know about your Northern Albanian history nor did I know that about the Albian orthodox, infact alot of the things you are telling me I never knew of, I'm not very learned in genealogy. I'm learned in Church history, but not much else. I would love to know more about myself and my lineage. As for Shady. Why is she using your picture? I Like Shady. Ive known her since 2011 youtube with my Johnny account. sorry to hear you guys are at war with each other. or were.
MatthewRC (1 month ago)
Yea iv'e noticed. I haven't seen alot of normal channels around here. I'm sure there are some if you search enough. I'm only here for the adult convos. Im just too old for all the nonsense. Btw I subbed back, and thank you for yours.
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