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MatthewRC Joined: Sep 13, 2024 Subscribers: 22 Video Views: 39 Channel Views: 552

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Channel Comments
StarBomberRevice2021 (57 minutes ago)
you welcome:P HOw are you today?:P
ChristopherAgain (4 hours ago)
How is Cowboy? I hope everything's ok. It was in the eighties here as well. I hope your ribs are doing better. According to Chill it will be back by 3 am tonight. Anyways I'm calling it a night my friend. It's been a busy but good day today. I will TTYL my friend. GN Matt :) Take care :)
TheVideoGamer64 (11 hours ago)
Cool. I hope y'all receive some good news from the vet. I'm doing good. Just released my newest video yesterday and got another game since my video. lol. :)
ChristopherAgain (13 hours ago)
Hey Matt I just got your email. Your page looks fantastic. Very nice BG pic. Anyways I'm going out for a bit but I'll bbl. BTW my day has been good. What about yours? Talk soon :)
TheVideoGamer64 (3 days ago)
Yep. I have them in both legs, I guess you can say I'm a metal man lol. Also thanks for praying for me. That means a lot to me.
EvesGarden (4 days ago)
Matthew, are we playing site tag? Hope you are feeling better today. I bet your show helped..C'mon fess up lol
ChristopherAgain (4 days ago)
I'm sorry your ribs were bad last night. The best thing was to try and get rest. I got my brakes and rotors taken care of. It wasn't as expensive as I thought it would be. They are still waiting for the part for my mother's car lol. So I'm still driving her places but it's no big deal. How are you today? I hope you are well my friend. I hope your ribs are better at least.
TheVideoGamer64 (5 days ago)
That's good and I'm having surgery on my left leg because the rod is in the muscle instead of just the bone.
ChristopherAgain (5 days ago)
Yes it's like a three ring circus with cars lol. My mother is doing well actually considering. Her car is still in the shop. The part is running late in getting to the place she has the car at. Anyways I'm going to take off for the night. Have a good one Matt. I'll be on more later. It's been a little crazy. Take care and GN Matt :) TTYL :)
EvesGarden (5 days ago)
Hey in hibernation too? Hit X at my 7.. ttys
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Ave Maria 4 months ago