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StarBomberRevice2021's Channel
StarBomberRevice2021 Joined: Oct 02, 2021 Last Sign In: 3 days ago Subscribers: 186 Video Views: 46,279 Channel Views: 7,197
Age: 42
This Channel is Mainly a Gaming Channel where I upload Gaming related content,But I also Love to Collect and upload Comics and Manga and I also love to Upload AMVs and other random videos like Sprite Animations,Custom Wallpapers and stuff like that.
Country: United States
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Hai Step Jun (80's Anime) No Description...
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Kung Fu Wa!/Kung Fu Sock No Description...
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Edens Zero No Description...
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StarBomberRevice2021 commented on a video (6 days ago)
Atelier Yumia: The Alchemist of Mem...
@Lordofthekevins The song is called "Hacking my Brain" by Megan Mcduffee,it's from the Video Game "Yars Rising" ^^
StarBomberRevice2021 commented on a video (1 week ago)
Croc: Legend of the Gobbos HD Remas...
@TheVideoGamer64 glad you think so ^_^
StarBomberRevice2021 commented on a video (1 week ago)
Nintendo DS & PlayStation 4 & PlayS...
@TheVideoGamer64 your welcome ^^
StarBomberRevice2021 commented on a video (1 week ago)
Croc: Legend of the Gobbos HD Remas...
@TheVideoGamer64 Me too ^^ which I'm happy that this is getting an HD Remastered Remake like what they did with Glover,Gex the Gecko and Pac Man Worl...
StarBomberRevice2021 commented on a video (1 week ago)
Nintendo DS & PlayStation 4 & PlayS...
awsome pickups:P That Legos Indiana Jones game looks fun which I need to get around to this one eventually,because my younger nephew collected alot of...
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Channel Comments (347)
TheVideoGamer64 (19 hours ago)
Hey pal. How are you today?
TheVideoGamer64 (1 week ago)
Happy birthday pal! :)
TheVideoGamer64 (1 week ago)
Cool. I own the 3DS too. It's a great system. I got my latest 3ds with a DS Pokemon game for free! :) It's uncommon nowadays, but my aunt gave it to me about a year ago and it feels more special than if I would of bought it!
TheVideoGamer64 (1 week ago)
What's your thoughts on the Nintendo 3DS / Nintendo 2DS handheld?
TheVideoGamer64 (3 weeks ago)
Thanks pal. I appreciate it alot. I love the N64 for many years now, since I was 3, so it's been over 20 years. It's still my favorite console to this day! :)
TheVideoGamer64 (3 weeks ago)
Hey how are you?
theronleigh1980 (3 weeks ago)
James. are you ok buddy? I heard news that your hometown North Carolina got them wild fires. these societies is just dirty
theronleigh1980 (1 month ago)
ouch. I got emulator. happy to play old nes games. heh, have you played duck tales of nes? that game is hard :(
theronleigh1980 (1 month ago)
I didn't think he had the courage doing so :(
theronleigh1980 (1 month ago)
same here buddy. I wish they'd make a game version of those. I love scratch and grounder. I also love snively. heh I hate it when EGGMAN always shout at snively and snively put up with it. well, used to as a kid. it was similar to my dad that he treated us like we're his punching bag. back then I used to also be timid by eggman's yelling at the end of sonic racers episode. I watched it again on YouTube and noticed in later episodes, snively begin to backtalk eggman. *cont*
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