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MatthewRC Joined: Sep 13, 2024 Subscribers: 22 Video Views: 37 Channel Views: 509

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Ave Maria
Ave Maria 2 months ago
Channel Comments (725)
ChristopherAgain (1 month ago)
I'm so glad your mother has a new friend to help her out. My mother is doing well actually. No complaints. Anyways I am going to eat now but I'll bbl. Talk soon Matt :)
AnalogKid (1 month ago)
My expertise is with cats and fish, but she knows a lot about so many other animals. We feed of each other's knowledge, and since we are both animal lovers at heart, we compliment one another perfectly. Sure we have had good and bad times over the years, but I wouldn't change a thing. I love her dearly.
AnalogKid (1 month ago)
Thanks Matt! Tammy is one of a kind. I call her Snow White. She has a certain way with the animals. Always has. It's a gift. No matter where we are, animals are immediately drawn to her energy. She has taught me a lot over the years, and we are both very active in our community when it comes to educating people about the importance of spaying and neutering your pets.
ChristopherAgain (1 month ago)
I know lol. I brought home a few gifts. I'm not sure how many she put in the bag I used to carry them. They are still in the bag lol. How is your mother handling work?
ChristopherAgain (1 month ago)
I'm sorry your ribs are acting up. I had a good time at my mother's house but now I'm zoning out lol. Trump is always in trouble lol.
ChristopherAgain (1 month ago)
Anything interesting? I'm relaxing. I am feeling good tonight. WBU?
ChristopherAgain (1 month ago)
You around?
ChristopherAgain (1 month ago)
My mother and Seth are friends but it sucks because she wanted to invite him over for the holidays but Jeff hates his guts. It's a bad situation. Seth cut down on his drinking and is acting better. Anyways I am going to head out myself to the store but I'll bbl sometime. Talk soon Matt. PS: Aunt Sally loves your voice lol. TTYL :)
ChristopherAgain (1 month ago)
And no singing "I'm Walking on Sunshine" while going for your walk either.
ChristopherAgain (1 month ago)
I need to get wrapping paper first then I'm going to wrap my gifts. That's a lot of coffee but I'm not one to judge. I've done the same thing in the past lol. My mother Jim decided to be only friends due to the long commute. Plus my mother loved him but wasn't IN LOVE with him. But she respects him and cares for him a lot. She hopes he finds someone who is local. Jeff is now singing a David Bowie song from "The Labrynth".
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