ChristopherAgain's Channel
ChristopherAgain Joined: Nov 16, 2024 Subscribers: 8 Channel Views: 201
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Channel Comments (568)
EvesGarden (1 month ago)
CHRISTOPHER get on Chill. David fixed it bigger n better lol Matt n I n Rob in Woojoke are already on it.. Gonna keep both sites for awhile anyway ......Evie
EvesGarden (1 month ago)
Shakey Chris you being an old fart going to bed on a Friday so earlier>..Guess those were the good ole days of upload n Chill. the partying days eh? You're not THAT old I hear.. so if the snow don't getcha maybe age will lol.. Sorry I am on my meds too lol.. Seriously why you bug out so early? Well come stop by my garden I planted a new crop you might like ... TC n seriously be careful if you gotta drive in the snow.. Hope ya half 4 wheel drive or studs Welp GN lol
MatthewRC (1 month ago)
Psalms 94:19
MatthewRC (1 month ago)
Atleast it wasn't a flu though, it was just a minor cold. She did enjoy her vacation very much despite that. Hope you enjoyed your dinner. I'll be up for awhile if asmr isnt working tonight lol.. God bless you n goodnight.
MatthewRC (1 month ago)
Enjoy your dinner Chris. I just had a bite to eat earlier. I'll tty soon :)
MatthewRC (1 month ago)
I think we got some of that blizzard in 95 lol. I was 14 yo back then, i remember that. Yea the cats do keep me on my toes. It's alot of work taking care of 5 of them. Specially the litters. I;m glad your mom is doing well. As for my mom. She's over her sickness and taking off Monday because of the snow, she'll have a nice 3 day weekend...
MatthewRC (1 month ago)
They dont usually get them in Virginia. atleast im pretty sure. The last one we had here was 2010ish or so. it's been so long. I hope its under 4 inches. Yea that is perfect timing for Jeff to get his Van back.

The cats are good. Cowboy threw up on my rug last night. I gotta finish cleaning it up tonight, it's still ingrained inot the carpet.. He had a good day today, so did gretal.. How is mom doing? that's nice of her to lend her car to you guys.
MatthewRC (1 month ago)
It probably wont cost a super amount. When is he getting the Van back? I agree with you about the snow, I do want some but I don't want a whole lot. we are due in maryland for a bad winter. it's been awhile since we had a blizzard. I'm feeling alot better with the ribs. Thank you for asking. It comes and goes alot.
MatthewRC (1 month ago)
Did you guys have to wait at a mechanics shop all day? My day was busy too, but a good one. Right now im relaxing and watching the news. They said were getting 4-8 inches now on Monday.
MatthewRC (1 month ago)
Chris. I hope you're well today.
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