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MatthewRC Joined: Sep 13, 2024 Subscribers: 22 Video Views: 37 Channel Views: 509

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Ave Maria
Ave Maria 2 months ago
Channel Comments (725)
Timeless (1 month ago)
Hi Matt, I'm relieved that you and Hansel and Gretal are doing well! Thanks for accepting and for stopping by and for the PM. Awesome snow you've got here! Do you have snow on the ground? We'll probably be in a snow drought again. There was a mini holiday parade in my town today, complete with The Grinch and a Dalmatian in a holiday vest riding in a golf cart. Please enjoy your Sunday and the countdown to Christmas. Thank you again for your prayers!
ChristopherAgain (1 month ago)
It's been crazy for both of us it seems lol. Running around and whatnot? Who knows? I might send you a picture of Shelby. Anyways I'm going to call it a night Matt. I'm sorry. I know things will calm down soon and I could be on here longer. Have a great evening and I will TTYL :)
ChristopherAgain (1 month ago)
Matt I'm going to make dinner. I'll bbl. Take care :)
ChristopherAgain (1 month ago)
It was a nice and busy day. I cleaned the house, showered, soaked Shelby, did some shopping and drove Jeff to work. His coworker had to cancel tonight but it's ok. She has anxiety as well so I get it lol.
ChristopherAgain (1 month ago)
It's supposed to snow a little tonight around 3 am. I don't know what happened with the net. I'm glad you're feeling good. So am I. Ten more days until Christmas lol.
ChristopherAgain (1 month ago)
There was a minor outage but it's perfectly fine now. What kind of junk are you getting rid of? Sometimes it can be quite refreshing to get rid of stuff you don't need. (No. I'm NOT talking about Aunt Sally) lol. How are you tonight? I'm glad your ribs are behaving.
ChristopherAgain (1 month ago)
Matt I'm sorry I lost my Internet for a bit. I will get back to you later on my friend with a response. Sorry about that. Ttyl.
ChristopherAgain (1 month ago)
Thank you Matt. We will!! She's getting here after nine tonight. Jeff gets off of work around eight. How are you today? How are your ribs?
ChristopherAgain (1 month ago)
There is nothing between Jeff and his co-worker. Just good friends lol.
ChristopherAgain (1 month ago)
Good morning :)
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