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MaskedPonyALT's Channel
MaskedPonyALT Joined: Apr 26, 2024 Subscribers: 15 Channel Views: 459
Age: 28
Country: Cocos (Keeling) Islands
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Channel Comments (42)
TheDirector (4 months ago)
You must be lucky to have Obama as a dad. I know ReverendCapitalist is proud to have you as a son.
ReverendCapitalist (4 months ago)
No, YOU ARE GOING TO HELL! I have no respect for your disgusting sinful ways! They don't hate me, and stop saying I'm married to Obama, I am no sodomite! He won't be President, I looked him up, he's from Australia! That is disgusting, and you're an extremely sick individual! I do not get periods, I am a man! REPENT TO GOD, AND STOP THINKING I'M YOUR FATHER! I WOULD NEVER HAVE A SINFUL DEBAUCHEROUS PILE OF PROTOPLASM SUCH AS YOU AS A SON!
MechanicCapitalist (4 months ago)
I do agree the repiblicans will lose due to Trump, but shit isn't happening to my shop! I don't care what Kamala leaves, and stop obsessing over reverendcapitalist, you stupid tard! HE'S NOT YOUR FATHER! Your dreams aren't real, you fucking autist! But you can't tell real life from fucking reality! He would never do that shit, he hates you stupid LGBT fucks!
Suzuko (5 months ago)
That term is so overused. XD
NPC (5 months ago)
Gosamaru (5 months ago)
Gosamaru (5 months ago)
Wuts ur obsession wit dat movie? Honestly bro, ur creeping every1 on my chan out! :S
HazukiChan (5 months ago)
I hate that movie.
MechanicCapitalist (5 months ago)
YOU'RE THE SCUMBAG YOU ANNOYING PIECE OF FUCKING SHIT AUTIST! YOU'RE AN ANNOYING PIECE OF SHIT AND I HOPE YOU GET COVAIDS AND DIE, BOI! I doubt she'd make the furry tard autist a position such as that! Yeah, good luck with that, you stupid piece of shit, you ain't doing shit! You won't to fucking shit, you stupid coward fuck! But I do hope the republicans lose in a landslide because I'm sick of MAGA! BUT I'M ALSO SICK OF YOU!
CosmeticsCapitalist (5 months ago)
Yeah, I hope you die of a heart attack or stroke you vaxxed annoying tard! And I've never been vaxxed and never had covid! Feels good man! I bet you've had it several times! And no, he's not your father, he would've been a young kid when you were born! He's a straight man with a kid, you fucking dumbass! And he hates Obama! Obama fucking sucks, he's up there with Trump as one of the worst presidents ever, you stupid nerdy autist!
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