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GhostsPetWeasel's Channel
GhostsPetWeasel Joined: Sep 20, 2023 Subscribers: 14 Channel Views: 798
Age: 60
Greetings! I am SHIELDGhost's pet weasel. Unlike my master I'm from the DC universe. I hail from Earth 93. Sadly my earth turned into a dystopia due to a nuclear war. But luckily Ghost was doing some dimension traveling and he adopted me.

I am a proud F.A.G. member just like my master SHIELDGhost, NickAdamsAlt and TheDisneyNinja. Together we will save our democracy from Donald Trump. We won't turn America into another Earth 93.

Oh and my presidential preference for the 24 election is Arnold Schwarzenegger. In the movie Kindergarten Cop he had a pet Weasel. I know with all my heart he'll defeat that orange fascist.
Country: Cuba
Occupation: F.A.G. member
Schools: Fuck schools. SHIELDGhost taught me everything
Movies: I like masturbating to porn and Taylor Swift
Music: Taylor Swift
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GhostsPetWeasel became friends with DemocracyWarriorAdam (3 weeks ago)
GhostsPetWeasel became friends with TheDirector (2 months ago)
GhostsPetWeasel became friends with AlexisTheActivist (3 months ago)
GhostsPetWeasel became friends with SuperChrisChristie (6 months ago)
GhostsPetWeasel became friends with MaskedPonyALT (8 months ago)
Channel Comments (118)
ReverendCapitalist (1 year ago)
Putin is of the devil, boi! I do not support Putin or Russia! Arnold cannot even run, so he will not do anything! They will not be replaced by those people, you you scoundrels deserve to suffer because you are obsessed with entertainment! I am not MAGA, I hate MAGA! Live in reality for once and REPENT TO GOD! READ YOUR BIBLE TOO!
Jinichi (1 year ago)
Taylor Swift sucks, bitch!
Chiyo (1 year ago)
No she's not lol
GunRangeCapitalist (1 year ago)
I hate Putin, you piece of crap furry! I highly doubt she'd do anything, you're just some celebrity obsessed piece of fucking shit furry and you're probably smoking crack, boi! Pedicures, are you fucking kidding me? THAT'S FUCKING WOMAN SHIT, BOI! I ain't gonna stop working at the gun range and you only think guns are bad because you're a democrat piece of shit that likely got that stupid covid jab! I ain't doing that and I'll never do that you degenerate furry piece of crap!
CowboyCapitalist (1 year ago)
I FUCKING HATE PUTIN, BOI! Schwarzenegger can't run, and Taylor Swift is a stupid dumb bitch! CRAPITALIST?! You take that back you socialist piece of crap! And I'd the ever loving crap out of nickadamsalt if I saw him! Fuck watching movies, I'd rather read a book than watch stupid junk food for the brain movies! Thanos isn't real, and Osama is dead you fucking tard! AND SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT THIS STUPID "OH, EARTH THIS, EARTH THAT" CRAP! I'M SICK OF IDIOTS NOT BEING IN REALITY! GROW THE FUCK UP
HipHopCapitalist (1 year ago)
Nigga, who the fuck said I saw a rapper, stupid dumbazz? I'm an electrician! And nigga, I fuckin hate Putin! Ghost neva did dat shit and I doubt even Trump did dat stupid shit yo stupid azz said! I don't even keep track of dat shit, but I know dat didn't happen! Are you smokin crack or somethin, stupid azz nigga?
Gosamaru (1 year ago)
He ain't my leader.
Chiyo (1 year ago)
Taylor Swift sucks.

Motley Crue>>>>>Taylor Swift
ReverendCapitalist (1 year ago)
He's not putting me in, he can't even run! Taylor Swift is a harlot, and you better stop this pedophile defamation you're spreading before I GET PUNITIVE DAMAGES OUTTA YOUR REAR END! And I am NOT a Catholic if that's what you're thinking you furry! REPENT TO GOD!
Aimi (1 year ago)
You sound like a faggot.
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