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GamblingCapitalist's Channel
GamblingCapitalist Joined: Jun 25, 2022 Subscribers: 4 Channel Views: 2,653
Age: 59
Country: United States
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GamblingCapitalist became friends with CowgirlCapitalist (4 months ago)
GamblingCapitalist became friends with CountryboyCapitalist (4 months ago)
GamblingCapitalist became friends with MarineCapitalist (1 year ago)
GamblingCapitalist became friends with VeteranCapitalist (1 year ago)
GamblingCapitalist became friends with BikerCapitalist (2 years ago)
Channel Comments (380)
PinkPrincess (1 year ago)
What if they left you alone?
BikerCapitalist (1 year ago)
Oh, you know they fucking are! I bet they have all sorts of "problems"! You know they listen to that sick fucker styx! They probably look like him too! Oh, you know they have the same shit styx has because they're fucked up! I know, they always blame the economy and shit, but if they were capitalists, they wouldn't be living with mammy! I bet they voted for Obama in 2008 and are too ashamed to admit it!
Kenshin (1 year ago)
I'm going to wring your fuckin' neck!
Kotaro (1 year ago)
It's not porn. It's Revi.. err I mean Pantera.
Yukimaru (1 year ago)
Chu fuckin' nashwhole!
Gotomoto (1 year ago)
I didn't vote, mother fucker. XD
PinkPrincess (1 year ago)
Dookie is @THEDOGTV, he's a deranged degenerate that lives off his mommy and daddy and has a porn addiction 🤢 🤢 🤢
NickAdamsAlt (1 year ago)
You need to take your kids to drag shows and let them watch the view. You are an angry handicapped faggot like Ghost.
M00kieMafia (1 year ago)
CosmeticsCapitalist (1 year ago)
C'mon dad, you know I'd never be a damn feminist bulldyke! You know they would, or if they got their electronics taken away! They are pedos, they try and claim they aren't, but they have a weird fixation with little girls and they can't deny that anime sexualizes little girls! I bet almost all of them live with daddy and/or mommy! Or they justify people that do! Almost all those school shooters have been in psychotropic drugs, and when you were a kid, they didn't have mass shootings so much!
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