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GamblingCapitalist's Channel
GamblingCapitalist Joined: Jun 25, 2022 Subscribers: 4 Channel Views: 2,653
Age: 59
Country: United States
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Channel Comments (380)
GhostTAR (1 year ago)
Get back in the trailer, fruitloop! Oh yeah and Liz Cheneys yo mama. I spank my monkey to that gal. πŸ†πŸ’
BailBondsmanFred (1 year ago)
Fallconn (1 year ago)
I don't give a shit.. oh pish on yew
BikerCapitalist (1 year ago)
He refused a second job because "Oh, one job is enough!" No wonder he still lives with my ex wife! Trump is the reason we had the bump stock ban and he didn't even get rid of Fraudci! HE EVEN CELEBRATED FAUCI FOR FUCK'S SAKE! They sure have drunk the Trump koolaid! They think anyone that bashes Trump is a so called RINO! Exactly, Christie is the only adult in the room, but those tards want to lose everything with Trump! They can't come up with anything because they lack a personality!
Fallconn (1 year ago)
oh fug yew Tokyo and the horse you rode in on
GhostTAR (1 year ago)
Greetings, I'm Ghost from Earth 235 and I love anime. BoBoBoBoBoBoBoBoBoBoBoBo is really awesome, you should watch it.

OH AND LIZ CHENEY 24!!! She's the only grown up in the room, fruitloop!
CosmeticsCapitalist (1 year ago)
They're some of the biggest manchildren ever! I'd kick them in the fucking balls! You know they probably do! They also mention stupid shit I've never heard of! I know any woman above a 5 wouldn't do that shit! I bet they are awkward, they act that shit online because they're probably stumbling mumbling jerk dicks in real life! You're right, they wouldn't call blacks the n word, because if they did, they'd get popped in the fucking jaw!
GhostsPetWeasel (1 year ago)
My master SHIELDGhost and Gen. Michael Hayden rule!!! And so does that hot mama Taylor Swift πŸ‘±πŸ»β€β™€οΈπŸ‘±πŸ»β€β™€οΈπŸ‘±πŸ»β€β™€οΈπŸŽΆπŸŽΆπŸŽΆπŸ„πŸ„πŸ„. Oh if your wondering about the mushroom emoji I couldn't find a penis emoji. This universe sucks. My universe has a penis emoji.
BailBondsmanFred (1 year ago)
You're talking to my plant!
M00kieMafia (1 year ago)
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