Susan Rossi 🇮🇹
susanrossi1105's Channel
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Apr 20, 2024
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3 weeks ago
Recent Activity
susanrossi1105 Jim Harino and his socks should give the fuck up already since they keep moving to one and another Social Media just to waste their lives going after people (including the same ones like a certain female friend of mine) for an example. (3 weeks ago)
susanrossi1105 Trolling Jim Harino and his socks was never fun to begin with. They would always waste their lives doing nothing but to go after the same users (including a certain British user whose he always accuses us of being socks of nonstop) by making those crappy FlashThemes videos out of them. (3 weeks ago)
susanrossi1105 Eva Marmot's cousin gets caught ruining Italian food on her brithday. Never that fake ass made-up cousin of Eva Marmot was an Italian just like me. (3 weeks ago)
susanrossi1105 Honestly, Jim Harino and his socks know nothing about a certain female user whom they always keep slandering nonstop at all. All they do is to judge her by its cover by pretending to know her when they don't. (1 month ago)
susanrossi1105 became friends with ryansingh1105 (1 month ago)
Channel Comments (50)
susanrossi1105 (2 months ago) Alessandro Muto is so disgraceful to his own country, who loves to ruin Italian food culture in front of us.
susanrossi1105 (2 months ago) I won't bother making Italian food culture ruining eating clips on Alessandro Muto (Wilson Anderson's father) for his birthday for an obvious reason.
susanrossi1105 (2 months ago) HEIL DANIEL FERNANDEZ!
susanrossi1105 (2 months ago) Whatever James Bonchano (Jim Harino sock) said about us is nothing but lies. None of us (except you know who, Anna Martin, Selena Mitchell, Eric Mitchell, Jordan Howard and Daniel Fernandez) live in these 3 countries he mentions.
susanrossi1105 (2 months ago) HEIL HANNAH LEONG!
susanrossi1105 (2 months ago) HEIL ALEX LEE!
susanrossi1105 (2 months ago) HEIL SHANE CHAN!
susanrossi1105 (3 months ago) HEIL SABRINA MEYER!
susanrossi1105 (3 months ago) I hope one day, Lazy James Bonchano's channel gets raided by the people soon.

I can't stand him anymore. He even got some morons into vaguely attacking a certain British friend of mine before she deleted their comments.
susanrossi1105 (3 months ago) Lazy James Bonchano claims to hate the Autistic Italian-Vietnamese son of Alessandro Muto Wilson Anderson for trying to be like us, yet he is the exact same himself.

Both of those 2 both made great couples together since they love to waste their lives triggering us nonstop.
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