Emma Berg 🇸🇪
emmaberg1105's Channel
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May 22, 2024
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3 weeks ago
Recent Activity
emmaberg1105 Honoring time, friends. (3 weeks ago)
emmaberg1105 Not to mention that I'll be doing my birthday masterplan soon, so suit yourselves, fittor. (3 weeks ago)
emmaberg1105 Remember when James Bonchano (Jim Harino sock) once says that he will be making more FlashThemes video out of us all for stealing his FlashThemes videos? Well guess what? His plan of doing this crappy has been failed big time. LOL! XDDDDDDDDDDDDD He finally got what he wanted for not stopping slandering a certain female user and us nonstop. (3 weeks ago)
emmaberg1105 Another reason why I'm quitting this website is because I couldn't honestly stand those people vaguely attacking and stalking us anymore. So yeah, VidLii is really even more toxic website than ever. (1 month ago)
emmaberg1105 Some of my associates who don't have their MeWe accounts and I will still be making VidLii videos out of the users we hate. But once some of us made our MeWe accounts, we won't bother making any VidLii videos anymore for an obvious reason. (1 month ago)
Channel Comments (35)
emmaberg1105 (3 weeks ago) Honoring time, friends.
emmaberg1105 (3 weeks ago) Not to mention that I'll be doing my birthday masterplan soon, so suit yourselves, fittor.
emmaberg1105 (3 weeks ago) Remember when James Bonchano (Jim Harino sock) once says that he will be making more FlashThemes video out of us all for stealing his FlashThemes videos?

Well guess what? His plan of doing this crappy has been failed big time. LOL! XDDDDDDDDDDDDD He finally got what he wanted for not stopping slandering a certain female user and us nonstop.
emmaberg1105 (1 month ago) Another reason why I'm quitting this website is because I couldn't honestly stand those people vaguely attacking and stalking us anymore.

So yeah, VidLii is really even more toxic website than ever.
emmaberg1105 (1 month ago) Some of my associates who don't have their MeWe accounts and I will still be making VidLii videos out of the users we hate.

But once some of us made our MeWe accounts, we won't bother making any VidLii videos anymore for an obvious reason.
emmaberg1105 (1 month ago) Jim Harino's been acting differently recently.

He used to always make false relationship rumors about a certain female user in the past, but right now, he is currently accusing her of dating me and my associates.
emmaberg1105 (1 month ago) I might join MeWe anytime soon, although this site might fuck up my new account without any reason.
emmaberg1105 (1 month ago) I might consider quitting VidLii anytime soon.

This website is taking way too far for causing too much chaos of this nonstop.
emmaberg1105 (1 month ago) HEIL SELENA MITCHELL!
emmaberg1105 (1 month ago) Jim Harino has been wasting all of his life using his Herbert Larino account to respond to us whenever we active.

He also wastes his life using his Luke Charleson account to respond to Susan Rossi too.
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