raptorismlonelion's Channel
Joined: Dec 15, 2020
Last Sign In: 23 hours ago Subscribers: 20
Video Views: 1,224 Channel Views: 196
I like doing stop motion with LEGO and other toys, specially star wars and indiana jones themed, but also i do stop motion with clay and stop motion with diverse thematics.
Interests: LEGO, Playmobil, Star Wars and indiana Jones merchandising toys, stop motion, computer animation, video editing, trolling
Movies: Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Ice Age, Toy Story, Harry Potter, Despicable Me, Tomb Raider
Music: Fintroll, SFDK, Mago de Oz, AC/DC, children of bodom
Books: star wars, indiana jones, harry potter, mortadelo y filemón, Asterix
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Videos (63)
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Recent Activity
raptorismlonelion favorited a video (2 weeks ago) Animación blender búho bailarín
Acá una animasión blender de un búho bailando. |
raptorismlonelion favorited a video (1 month ago) hominido corriendo blender animatio...
pequeña animación 3D de blender de un homínido corriendo. pronto la versión mejorada. |
raptorismlonelion favorited a video (1 month ago) AT-ST walking blender CGI animation...
pequeña prueba de animación blender con efecto de fondo de chroma agregado vía adobe premiere del mismo caminante AT-ST |
raptorismlonelion favorited a video (1 month ago) AT-ST Walking blender CGI animation...
Acá un remake mejorado de mi animación blender del vehículo AT-ST de la guerra de las galaxias. espero que lo disfruten, porque me llevó tiempo ca... |
raptorismlonelion favorited a video (1 month ago) Lego Indiana Jones - The Temple
Published on Feb 4, 2014 Apparently there is an old temple in the city that has many mysteries. This leads Indiana Jones and his father Henry Jones... |
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Channel Comments (3)
raptorismlonelion (1 month ago)
Perdón por el largo tiempo sin subir material nuevo, pero había perdido el acceso a mi cuenta.
boa654 (1 year ago)
hi want to be friends
lalinsky (2 years ago)
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