Kate Brown 🇦🇺
katebrown1105's Channel
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Apr 20, 2024
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3 weeks ago
Recent Activity
katebrown1105 Just to let you nitwits know that I'm an Australian-British just in case you're wondering. (1 month ago)
katebrown1105 If you guys are willing to make new MeWe accounts using a FlashThemes icon, then be careful. This website would suspend your accounts if you ever use these showcasing icons of yourselves. It has happened to some of my associates who got unfairly suspended over the FlashThemes icons. (1 month ago)
katebrown1105 became friends with ryansingh1105 (1 month ago)
katebrown1105 became friends with kalynababich1105 (1 month ago)
katebrown1105 became friends with sierrasinclair1105 (1 month ago)
Channel Comments (58)
katebrown1105 (2 months ago) We'd like to make pineapple pizza eating clips out of Alessandro Muto, but we might rather not to.

Instead, we will use some of those non-eating clips to use against that Italian mafia father of Wilson Anderson.
katebrown1105 (2 months ago) HEIL DANIEL FERNANDEZ!
katebrown1105 (2 months ago) So far, nobody whom we hate were all born in this month.

Seems like this month is the luckiest month where we don't have to ruin many users' birthdays.
katebrown1105 (2 months ago) It's a miracle that the VidLii staff are back in action.

Without being said, it's time to get rid of that Jim Harino the no-life accusation making nigger's sock James Bonchano's profile picture. This will only stop him from his false accusations madness against the same female user and us.
katebrown1105 (2 months ago) HEIL HANNAH LEONG!
katebrown1105 (2 months ago) HEIL ALEX LEE!
katebrown1105 (2 months ago) HEIL SHANE CHAN!
katebrown1105 (2 months ago) The only reason why Jim Harino, alongside his James Bonchano, Michael Bonchano, Francois Absolon and Herbert Larino accounts keep accusing me and my friends of being socks created by the same female user was because we were confronting these niggers all for claiming that they go after me and my friends by naming us "the Amy Martin allies", yet they never made any single FlashThemes videos out of us.

Is this how these false assumption makers would ever treat us shits like this right now or what?
katebrown1105 (3 months ago) James Bonchano (Sock by Jim Harino) has been making the same false accusations about (you know who) and us for the past 2 months.

I just wish that VidLii can ban this liar already so that he won't keep slandering the latter nonstop ever again.
katebrown1105 (3 months ago) HEIL SABRINA MEYER!
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