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22 year old “Seth Harp” tries meeting underage girl (vid cut off)
From: iceninekillsfan69
Views: 259
Comments: 3
Views: 259
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Channel Comments (353)

TheKing0vHel (4 months ago)
That stupid bastard actually thinks that an Uber will take him across the country 🤣 How can someone be that dumb?

TheKing0vHel (4 months ago)
That kid-touching pedo nigger does nothing but talk. Dookie and Pedobull are looking at cp, that's what they're doing on there!

THEREALDOGTV (5 months ago)

TheKing0vHel (5 months ago)
He closes his accounts after spamming comments because he's a chickenshit! Pedobull runs away from people in VR 🤣 That's how he would react if you confronted him in person! I'll help with exposing him. We're all hoping that he kills himself, but he's too much of a narcissistic, delusional sperg to do it.

TheKing0vHel (5 months ago)
He has to do that now because he has no friends. His butt boy left him. 😂

TheFartGangTV (5 months ago)
mookie got his social media accounts back aside from spamming in some of our channels here

SunnyTheOGsDad (8 months ago)
My son is a complete failure at life. I'm glad that you guys exposed him.

GhostsPetWeasel (1 year ago)
@DOGangDarkHorse-Turn your channel on you dumb nigger! Oh and you'll never be the next Tupac!

boa654 (1 year ago)
so mookie is jobless because he hit on a 16 year old GROSS he needs to go to jail NOW

Ayumu (1 year ago)
I totally agree with you. He does. XD
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