animoreanime's Channel
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Channel Views:
Sep 30, 2017
United States
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animoreanime commented on a video (7 years ago)
Sonamy - Accidentally in Love
lol no no need to apologize. it's not too dark for me. i think it's accurate to me. and it's a beautiful slideshow. i love it :D
animoreanime commented on a video (7 years ago)
Sonamy - Accidentally in Love
awww this is too cute. i love this song. i wonder who sing this song?
animoreanime commented on a video (7 years ago)
A VidLii Observation
google may many seem to be dumb on the part. though youtube seemed lame, google getting all the money, well....most of the money then youtube. remembe...
animoreanime commented on a video (7 years ago)
A VidLii Observation
in a general sense, propbably yes. but in a spiritual sense, wars can take out anything. blackout system, even google and youtube aren't prone to be i...
animoreanime commented on a video (7 years ago)
A VidLii Observation
haha. i'm myself. i couldn't stand the damned conservative system. people care more for the money. nothing close to care for the fans. google would ra...
Channel Comments (25)
VidLii (7 years ago) Sorry but that is not possible. Only thing I can do is that if you reupload those videos to that account and I give you the views back.
KnotSnappy (7 years ago) MrAT is only siding with NightFright because he doesn't like the people who believe he's a pedophile. It's all opinion based and there is no reasoning with him. He doesn't like me and therefore won't listen to me. I didn't turn on him, he proved himself to be a jerk. I never considered myself good friends with him, I just treated him with respect until he started doing bad things to others.
Malicious (7 years ago) Ah, I see. That guy has issues.
VidLii (7 years ago) I unbanned it. But this will be the only time I do that.
Next time you want your channel deleted, it'll be final.
Malicious (7 years ago) Are you that StarWarriorDecade dude?
animoreanime (7 years ago) goodnight guyz.
talk to everyone tommorw :3
ATAndreiThomas (7 years ago) That's my thing dude, I don't like being used and if they are trying to make me look like a villain. I will make no friends with that person so I got be more careful, it's a live and learn thing.
ATAndreiThomas (7 years ago) I see, well those who turn on me I will Keep my own distance but If they start making rants on me then be coming after them. If there not careful with me, cause I will fight back if they take it even further.
ATAndreiThomas (7 years ago) Now the reason I am siding with nightfright is because his been a true friend and a well respected person who does not stab me in the back, unlike the rest of the fools who turned on me given me thumbs down and deliberately given me a poor rating on most of my videos on this fucking website and the fact they gave me so much distructive criticism and hateful comments, that really made me fully angry towards them, and by me making that pressure video, it means I am no done with these people.
ATAndreiThomas (7 years ago) Im only interested with friends who do not stab me in the back, those who do will see the dark and edgier side of me, you don't know me, I'm like a shadow the hedgehog person when I am angry.
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