Alex Lee 🇭🇰
alexlee1105's Channel
Channel Views:
Total Upload Views:
Apr 20, 2024
Last Visit Date:
2 weeks ago
Hong Kong
Recent Activity
alexlee1105 Remember Emily Lee, Sakura Lee and Amber Lee? Well, they all told me that she will reunite back with me and became siblings again now since a certain moron and their fake ally group socks are all gone from our lives nowadays. And yes, they all apologized to me for leaving me over the former's lies about us in the past. So yeah, we finally can go back together in peace and rest. (2 weeks ago)
alexlee1105 I've already apologized to Nicholas Milner and the Timothy Calverick allies for the way how I treat them last time we met. (2 weeks ago)
alexlee1105 became friends with ryansingh1105 (1 month ago)
alexlee1105 became friends with kalynababich1105 (1 month ago)
alexlee1105 became friends with sierrasinclair1105 (1 month ago)
Channel Comments (24)
alexlee1105 (5 months ago) Once VidLii's uploading crap gets fixed, we will make late birthday videos out of Elpozi Arceo and Woomin Leong.
alexlee1105 (5 months ago) Alessandro Muto is another snitch just like his son Joseph Mitchell, Stella Martin, Nicholas Milner, his ex-girlfriend Eva Marmot and some 2 Russian niggers I won't mention.

Ever since he caused the dark side members to milk FlashThemes videos nonstop and caused them to slander our leader by thinking that they go after me and my comrades when they clearly don't.
alexlee1105 (5 months ago) I was right about Alessandro Muto the whole time, I actually did the right to betray his pineapple pizza eating ass.
alexlee1105 (5 months ago) Alex Lee here, and this is my new VidLii account.
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