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Wyatt Shawbitz 🇺🇸
WyattShawbitz1 Joined: Sep 19, 2023 Last Sign In: 2 days ago Subscribers: 10 Video Views: 2,241 Channel Views: 1,901
Age: 21
I decided to open up my VidLii account due to getting suspended on YouTube several times by the no-brainer YouTube CEO Neal Mohan.

So yeah, I thought I would try VidLii as an alternative for YouTube.
Country: United States
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Recent Activity
WyattShawbitz1 FlashThemes is finally back up at long last! Linus Weber's plans of getting FlashThemes to shut down for good have failed BIG TIME! (1 month ago)
WyattShawbitz1 FlashThemes is finally back up at long last! Linus Weber's plans of getting FlashThemes to shut down for good have failed BIG TIME! (1 month ago)
WyattShawbitz1 Well, It looks like I don't need to use Wrapper Online Diamond now that FlashThemes is officially making its comeback from the dead. (1 month ago)
WyattShawbitz1 I won't be able to publish new FlashThemes videos for a while due to FlashThemes being sued by Vyond. (1 month ago)
WyattShawbitz1 Oh for fucks sake… Where am I going to make videos by using the original Vyond (Go!Animate) themes now? (1 month ago)
Channel Comments (269)
WyattShawbitz1 (10 months ago)
The TentAnimation alt calling nigger just got terminated on YouTube again just today.

However, He came back with yet another account called “Fallout Fanatic 2007”. But this time without putting in “The Vyonder” at the end of his username.
WyattShawbitz1 (10 months ago)
Fallout Fanatic 2007 The Vyonder got what he deserved. Getting his TentAnimation alt calling ass terminated on YouTube recently.

Although he already created a new YouTube account, I still take this as an absolute win.
WyattShawbitz1 (10 months ago)
Dave Morrison the Vietnamese suspending GoFag whore is a massive joke to this world since he made a Wrapper Offline video out of himself.

Fucking dumbass.
WyattShawbitz1 (10 months ago)
Imagine making a video out of yourself. LOL!
WyattShawbitz1 (10 months ago)
Good to know that Eva Marmot the Romanian nigger and her shitty allies got betrayed by all of her now-former friends 1 year ago.

They all deserved that for being such annoying bitches to this society.
WyattShawbitz1 (10 months ago)
The more I get included on FlashThemes or Wrapper Offline videos made by that GoKid or the assholes from the dark side, The more payback videos I make on them.
WyattShawbitz1 (10 months ago)
This is an absolute win for us! The Vietnamese GoKid got suspended on MeWe again.

That's for fucking up my MeWe account and 2 of my friends' ones.
WyattShawbitz1 (10 months ago)
It seems like the MeWe registrations are working again according to one of my friends. However, I will just stick to using only YouTube and VidLii for a while. Not ready to return to MeWe quite yet.
WyattShawbitz1 (10 months ago)
Arash Ajaib only joined social media back in 2021 all because of Lucas Aaron, Eh? What a fucking moron.
WyattShawbitz1 (10 months ago)
I may consider retiring from the war when I feel like it. The reason why I'm saying this is because of that shit stirring terrorist nigger Arash Ajaib's bullshit.

But as of right now, I'm still gonna participate in it.
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