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Wyatt Shawbitz 🇺🇸
WyattShawbitz1 Joined: Sep 19, 2023 Last Sign In: 1 day ago Subscribers: 10 Video Views: 2,241 Channel Views: 1,901
Age: 21
I decided to open up my VidLii account due to getting suspended on YouTube several times by the no-brainer YouTube CEO Neal Mohan.

So yeah, I thought I would try VidLii as an alternative for YouTube.
Country: United States
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Recent Activity
WyattShawbitz1 FlashThemes is finally back up at long last! Linus Weber's plans of getting FlashThemes to shut down for good have failed BIG TIME! (1 month ago)
WyattShawbitz1 FlashThemes is finally back up at long last! Linus Weber's plans of getting FlashThemes to shut down for good have failed BIG TIME! (1 month ago)
WyattShawbitz1 Well, It looks like I don't need to use Wrapper Online Diamond now that FlashThemes is officially making its comeback from the dead. (1 month ago)
WyattShawbitz1 I won't be able to publish new FlashThemes videos for a while due to FlashThemes being sued by Vyond. (1 month ago)
WyattShawbitz1 Oh for fucks sake… Where am I going to make videos by using the original Vyond (Go!Animate) themes now? (1 month ago)
Channel Comments (269)
WyattShawbitz1 (9 months ago)
Elpozi Arceo is a Dora the Explorer look-alike, Just like the already-dead Dalene Buhl.
WyattShawbitz1 (9 months ago)
I realized I got a strike on YouTube, So I cannot upload a birthday video on Elpozi Arceo at the moment. Not even on VidLii either.
WyattShawbitz1 (9 months ago)
I even remembered making a late birthday video on Max Porter and the teleiophile crybaby Lucy Marmot on YouTube 1 year ago as well.
WyattShawbitz1 (9 months ago)
I already know when it's the Dora the Explorer look-alike Elpozi Arceo's birthday as I have ruined it 1 year ago.
WyattShawbitz1 (9 months ago)
Can't believe it has been over a year since I first came to the internet.
WyattShawbitz1 (9 months ago)
Looks to me like Arash Ajaib made another shitty payback video on me through Google Chat.

Not just that, But it was also considered a birthday video he made on the Romanian teleiophile whore, Lucy Marmot, as well.
WyattShawbitz1 (9 months ago)
WyattShawbitz1 (9 months ago)
There is one more thing I forgot to mention, I once ruined Max Porter's and Lucy Marmot's birthdays 1 day late over a year ago.
WyattShawbitz1 (9 months ago)
My team, Wolvehampton Wanderers, Has been losing several matches against the other teams recently.

This is outright ridiculous.
WyattShawbitz1 (9 months ago)
Only one more day to go until Lucy Marmot's shitty birthday.

My FlashThemes video on that Romanian baby Karen asshole will be published tomorrow.
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