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Wyatt Shawbitz 🇺🇸
WyattShawbitz1 Joined: Sep 19, 2023 Last Sign In: 1 day ago Subscribers: 10 Video Views: 2,241 Channel Views: 1,901
Age: 21
I decided to open up my VidLii account due to getting suspended on YouTube several times by the no-brainer YouTube CEO Neal Mohan.

So yeah, I thought I would try VidLii as an alternative for YouTube.
Country: United States
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WyattShawbitz1 FlashThemes is finally back up at long last! Linus Weber's plans of getting FlashThemes to shut down for good have failed BIG TIME! (1 month ago)
WyattShawbitz1 FlashThemes is finally back up at long last! Linus Weber's plans of getting FlashThemes to shut down for good have failed BIG TIME! (1 month ago)
WyattShawbitz1 Well, It looks like I don't need to use Wrapper Online Diamond now that FlashThemes is officially making its comeback from the dead. (1 month ago)
WyattShawbitz1 I won't be able to publish new FlashThemes videos for a while due to FlashThemes being sued by Vyond. (1 month ago)
WyattShawbitz1 Oh for fucks sake… Where am I going to make videos by using the original Vyond (Go!Animate) themes now? (1 month ago)
Channel Comments (269)
WyattShawbitz1 (7 months ago)
I exposed Jim Harino's newly updated FlashThemes avatar as a video for a good reason. So that way people can know what I'm actually talking about.
WyattShawbitz1 (7 months ago)
Jim Harino's new FlashThemes avatar looks hideous as fuck. He looks like Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz and Jimmy Neutron combined in one.

And yes, That asshole did update his look as proven on Google Chat.
WyattShawbitz1 (7 months ago)
I KNEW IT! Jim Harino admitted to creating the Chris Bonchano allies this whole time!

How I know about this is because he stated to me on Google Chat that he was the 100% true leader of them.
WyattShawbitz1 (7 months ago)
James Bonchano had the capacity to change his FlashThemes avatar again like a moron. And it looks even more hideous than his previous one too.
WyattShawbitz1 (7 months ago)
Once I do create my new MeWe account later on for real, I will have to come up with a different username. So that way I won't get easily suspended for nothing.
WyattShawbitz1 (7 months ago)
I am still thinking about creating a new MeWe account later on this year. Although I may have to create yet another gmail account in order to do that.
WyattShawbitz1 (7 months ago)
James Bonchano, For all I know, Won't last on VidLii any longer if he keeps up with his shenanigans.

I can 100% guarantee that!
WyattShawbitz1 (7 months ago)
There is a possibility that Donald Trump will win the 2024 presidential election. I can feel it!
WyattShawbitz1 (7 months ago)
For all I know, Jim Harino obviously created the Chris Bonchano allies (including James Bonchano).
WyattShawbitz1 (7 months ago)
Donald Trump nearly got assassinated at his Pennsylvania rally.

And despite the blood coming out from his right ear, It's a miracle that he survived.
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