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TheKing0vHel commented on a video (3 weeks ago) Raxxhorse admits to sucking dick
RaxxHorse loves to suck dicks! |
TheKing0vHel commented on a video (3 weeks ago) RAXXHORSE ARRESTED!
@TheFartGangTV I'm sure that they did since they are nothing but doxxing cowards. Isn't that Phoenix guy a minor? I hope they finally get locked up f... |
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Channel Comments (218)
Unblockable (2 months ago)
@Kaykat I agree! Aaron is almost a decade younger, yet he speaks more rationally, and in a more calm and mature tone by comparison. He doesn't stalk or dox people, he doesn't use slurs, he doesn't make threats or sexual comments, he doesn't wish for people's grandmothers to have strokes.
Kaykat (2 months ago)
@unblockable yes that is pretty disturbing. He has a lot of growing up to do.
Unblockable (2 months ago)
@AaronP Yes, you can make five figures just by working minimum wage. However, you would not make five figures by running an imaginary business.
Unblockable (2 months ago)
@PissMittens That is a correct statement!
RandomSkyrimGuard (2 months ago)
He thinks everyone needs a little man ass every now and then!
AaronP (2 months ago)
@Unblockable: There's obviously no justification for Mookie's ego. He has this ego cause he's a snowflake. That's obviously not a legitimate reason. He's simply that much of a degenerate. Five figures can mean $10000 a year. Even a minimum wage employee can make more than that.
AaronP (2 months ago)
@Unblockable and @Kaykat: Merit and attitude are both factors. They compound on each other. Good merit in conjunction to a good attitude is most preferred. Poor merit in conjunction to a shitty attitude is least tolerated. I personally value attitude over merit but they both matter.
PissMittens (2 months ago)
@Unblockable Mookie iz a manchild.Hims derserves no respekt
Unblockable (2 months ago)
@TheFartGangTV I mentioned 35 because that is when I first saw his creepy behavior towards teenagers, and it also means the people he stalked were younger than they are now. A 35-year-old man is supposed to live and act like an adult. A grotesque 38-year-old man getting spoiled like a child, that's disgusting!
Unblockable (2 months ago)
@Kaykat I get what you're saying. You can respect a man (regardless of merit and financial status), as long as he is genuinely kind, humble, wholesome, and of good morals? I can agree to that, a good-natured person deserves basic respect. Would you say it's disturbing for a grotesque 38-year-old parasite to have the mentality and self-entitlement of a child? Stalking and harassing an early adult, making unwanted sexual comments towards girls who are peers of the early adult?
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