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TheDirector's Channel
TheDirector Joined: Aug 27, 2024 Last Sign In: 3 weeks ago Subscribers: 8 Channel Views: 260
Age: 69
Country: Denmark
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TheDirector became friends with AlexisTheActivist (3 weeks ago)
TheDirector became friends with DemocracyWarriorAdam (1 month ago)
TheDirector became friends with NickAdamsAlt (2 months ago)
TheDirector became friends with GhostsPetWeasel (2 months ago)
TheDirector became friends with SuperChrisChristie (4 months ago)
Channel Comments (28)
NickAdamsAlt (4 months ago)
The Alphamales are here!
GunRangeCapitalist (4 months ago)
I think it's time YOU AND YOUR ASSHOLE FRIENDS LEAVE US THE FUCK ALONE! I have nothing to do with that, you stupid tard, if anything, blame the psychotropic that that you no fucking doubt are on! MaskedPony is a sick fuck beta trans diaper fetish fuck and reverendcapitalist blames lack of God and psychotropic drugs on that shooting! How about you walk away from our butt cracks, you fucking tard autist loser? And I never killed kids, your psychotropic drugs are the reason for those shootings!
ReverendCapitalist (4 months ago)
I am not married to Obama, you sicko sodomite! And Obama is not the greatest American President and neither is Trump! You are not married to him, and leave us alone, we are not interested in you sodomite debaucherous sickos! I do not need to hear about your debauchery, you sodomite weirdo! REPENT TO GOD AND STOP YOUR TROLLING WAYS!
Saito (4 months ago)
You're a fag.
MexicanCapitalist (4 months ago)
Take about 10 steps away from my fuckin butt crack with that talk, puto! I was born here, you stupid internet buttstalker! I have a woman to make me tacos, I'm not interested in your tacos! Knowing you, fuck knows where the meat is from! I don't need protecting cuz I was born here! So fuck off and stop being a maricón, stupid puto loser tard!
GunRangeCapitalist (4 months ago)
Yeah, shut down these nuts, you stupid homo! Now you assholes are going after MexicanCapitalist?! STOP OBSESSING OVER US, YOU AND YOUR TARD FRIENDS! ReverendCapitalist would never do that, sorry to break it to you, and leave him alone too! He never wants to do that, so shut up, boi! His dream is for you assholes to GO AWAY! My dad actually taught me how to fire a gun, but I bet my father loves me more than your dad loves you, you fucking tard annoying autist! PISS OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Goshiro (4 months ago)
Yeah sure, homo! Please try again!
CosmeticsCapitalist (4 months ago)
He's not your husband you stupid tard autist! And I can see you're friends with those other retarded autistic loser fuckers! MexicanCapitalist isn't your husband, and he was born here, you dumb tard! You're a fucking sick fuck with disgusting fantasies, and I bet you're buddies with that asshole styxhexenhammer! You're a sick piece of crap, and ICE ain't doing anything to him because as I've stated, HE WAS BORN HERE!
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