CoffeeDrops(1 year ago)
One way to get the most out of life is to look upon it as a spreadful time ;>
Endlessky(1 year ago)
I think Dan is actually falling for you
CoffeeDrops(1 year ago)
Life's short
Why does it take so long?
We're only here once
Why blame yourself?
We don't want the same things
But we're afraid to let go
CoffeeDrops(1 year ago)
I couldn't wait for you to come clear the cupboards
But now you're going to leave with nothing but a sign
Another evening I'll be sitting reading in between your lines
Because I miss you all the time
… So, get away
Another way to feel what you didn't want yourself to know
And let yourself go
You know you didn't lose your self-control
UnknownTheme(1 year ago)
Ghost game just ended last week. It's not my favorite, but I enjoyed a lot of episodes and horror settings (a lot of reference from movies, animes, mangas, books).
I like adventure a lot.
CoffeeDrops(1 year ago)
You saw London, you saw France, you saw inside a New Yorkers pants