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Channel Comments (101)
Akari (5 months ago)
Aren't you Shu's son?
HipHopCapitalist (5 months ago)
Shut yo bitch azz up bitch nigga! Yo azz wouldn't say dat shit to ma face cuz if yo azz did, I'd beat yo stupid bitch incel azz stupid bitch nigga! Bet yo azz don't have the ballz ta say dat shit in the hood bitch nigga!
PlumbingCapitalist (5 months ago)
Yeah, of course you won't read it because you're a piece of shit lazy tard asshole! Maybe you'd toughen up and be a man once we have a world war and you get drafted AND YOU FIGHT FOR YOUR COUNTRY, YOU STUPID PIECE OF SHIT!
Momoko (6 months ago)
PlumbingCapitalist (6 months ago)
Yeah, shut up, you fucking tard piece of shit obsessed with video games! Speaking of lives, why don't you get a fucking life, you trolly fuck? And I don't waste my time bruising my thumbs on a video game controller! My high score is my bank account! And video games are a waste of time and money! You know that the price of a video game could buy you a good steak at some restaurants! BUT INSTEAD YOU TARDS WASTE YOUR MONEY ON STUPID VIDEO GAMES! IT MAKES ME SICK!
HipHopCapitalist (6 months ago)
Bet yo stupid weak incel weak autist azz wouldn't say dat shit in de hood, stupid bitch nigga! Face it nigga, yo azz is weak cuz yo azz got an anime profile bitch nigga!
Dracula (7 months ago)
Doing alright, sonny. How are you?
PlumbingCapitalist (7 months ago)
Grow the fuck up you fucking loser tard! You're a 24 year old man obsessed with a damn children's game! GROW UP YOU FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT TARD AUTIST! I BET YOUR VOICE MAKES YOU SOUND LIKE YOU HAVE THE TISM!
Chiyome (8 months ago)
RingoChan (8 months ago)
Hi Shiba!
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