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Sep 15, 2024
Channel Comments (22)
MatthewRC (1 month ago) Go to account and click (playback setup)
MatthewRC (1 month ago) Yea for sure, Rob. it does give me hope. I'm leaving it in the Lords hands. I know he has his timing with things. That's amazing though that yours went another 4 years. That really puts a smile on my face. Ive given my cats Hills before. It's a nice brand. I have mine on (I forgot what brand) its some expensive food that helps them gain weight, a case cost 90 bucks.. of like 30 cans.. and youre right.. whats hard is cats cannot tell you how bad things are or how much they hurt..
MatthewRC (1 month ago) Yea definitely. Its a nice alternative site to chill. Atleast you can add your music here and people can chat with each other in a timely manner. The game right now is 7-6 Eagles. Im not watching it, just the score. i actually did good this week, I went 11-2 with the picks. I'm getting better.
MatthewRC (1 month ago) BTW its really a nice surprise to see Vicki here. She has such a beautiful soul. I'll try and ask Eve to message Blaine, seeing as how Eve can still get on chill. she never logs out lol. Right now Eve has been pretty sick, so when she's better I'll ask her to send him a pm. Have a blessed night. If you're watching the game tonight enjoy. I have the Eagles winning over the Falcons.
MatthewRC (1 month ago) Im glad your cats are doing good :) what kind of diet are they on for the pancreatitis? my cat actually, from what they told me, has 3 Months to live, its more like colon cancer for cats.. theyre not sure if its that or inflammation but the test will cost 3,000 to find out and I dont have that, plus hes 15 so im just praying its inflammation.
MatthewRC (1 month ago) Hey there. Thank you so much. Unfortunately my ribs are acting up so much tonight. Its wearing me out atm. I'm glad you're feeling better. I did actually have covid, it messes with your neck. I still have lingering neck stiffness. Not sure if you guys had covid or not but if it was that that's probably why youre having neck problems. btw, I love your suv! it looks so nice with the Shark decal. its worth the payment, having a nice care like that. How is it running?
MatthewRC (1 month ago) U are most welcome Rob. Im glad you're enjoying that sports link. Thank you for asking about my ribs. They ache on and off, overall ive been doing ok and managing. Its just hard to deal with sometimes, moving around ect, also my cats are fine. I have one sick cat atm dealing with colon inflammation. Are you over your sickness? How have you been yourself, and How have your cats been?
MatthewRC (1 month ago) Ok Rob, I am off for the night. Have a good one! Good to see you here.
MatthewRC (1 month ago) Thanks for the heads up about the password. I did not know that. No you cannot post pictures here. All they have is GIF avatars and bgs. which is nice. They do have 3 channel options, one of them being the 2012 YT design which was ugly unique. It'snot for everyone. As for embed? Yes, but your gonna have to save the files from youtube here.

thats how I got my featured video. put the yt link in there and download it to your pc. It works good.
MatthewRC (1 month ago) It was a good game. I do think the Ravens are the better overall team but we shot ourselves in the foot with penalties and dumb calls. Congratulations again on the win. I'm happy for you and Marion, another person i know that is a Raiders fan. Your defense is really legit. The guy on the sideline I think survived from what i heard. They took him to a local Hospital here and he survived. Keep him in your prayers.
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