NewHorizons's Channel
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Oct 13, 2024
United States
Channel Comments (34)
JustAngie (11 hours ago) I missed all that. We did get a storm though as it was pretty muggy. I stuffed up my autoplay somehow and can't figure out how to get it back. Anyway I'll be around whenever I can. Take it easy. Thanks
Pacer (15 hours ago) Yes, create as many as possible. This site works really well as far as I am concerned. Extremely fast page navigation, fast uploads, some cool basic features, etc. I really don't need anything more.
Pacer (15 hours ago) No need to apologize. Life happens. I just don't understand why they would suddenly cancel your benefits. There has to be another way. Look for low income insurance plans. There must be a lot out there. I know here there are so many resources available that it has actually become bad in a way. People get comfortable living on government assistance and don't want to work any longer. It's a catch 22.
Purity (1 day ago) Oh yeah, I keep forgetting to tell you. I highly recommend Outer Banks. I just may like it better than Dark and Stranger Things. Riveting for lack of a better word!
Purity (1 day ago) Hey! How is your weekend? Can’t believe it’s been a week since I’ve been here. Been insanely busy. That’s an understatement lol. I hope you’re enjoying “Indian Summer.” There was a Harley “Parade” down our busy street earlier. I love the sound of distant motorcycles almost as much as train whistles. I actually got to enjoy watching the leaves shimmer in the wind earlier. Most of our trees haven’t turned yet. 80s tomorrow! See ya!

Pacer (3 days ago) Sorry for the delayed reply. So busy! Been putting in a few extra hours, and as the holidays approach it's bound to get busier.

Glad therapy is going well so far. I think you are headed for some very positive changes. Keep it up!

Plans for the weekend?
woojoke (4 days ago) Hi Nathan! I'm not great like i used to be but getting better as i type! Hope all's good with you!
JustAngie (4 days ago) Hi Nathan. Good to see you. Yeah I was on here a while back, and didn't think it was too bad. They did have banners which seem to be gone, but anyway, take it easy and enjoy your weekend
Pacer (5 days ago) Did you pass out after that walk? Those were some great pics! I would love the downtown area, and would probably be frequenting the vape shop a lot, lol!
Pacer (5 days ago) Also, what is this about private channels? Isn't that the same thing as implementing the friends lock feature on cs1?
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