Mr Marten Music
Joined: Dec 13, 2017
Last Sign In: 7 months ago Subscribers: 34
Video Views: 4,540 Channel Views: 609
Age: 35
Speedcore, Extratone, Experimental, Abstract and other kinds of electronic music here. Audio and picture by me. Also audacity is pretty dank.
Country: Netherlands
Occupation: Spacer
Schools: The University of Cuil
Interests: Science, Art, Philosophy, Life
Movies: The Matrix and other stuff
Music: All kinds of music
Books: Non-Fiction, but stories can take any path
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Channel Comments (30)

Rebecca665 (5 years ago)

MusicAndAntiques64 (6 years ago)
Cool. How are you?

MusicAndAntiques64 (6 years ago)
Hey this is TheVideoGamer64's other channel. Do you remember me?

iamqqqqqqq (6 years ago)
B est B PM

AsesinoDeLaKatana (6 years ago)
Hola amic, veig que el teu canal ara ha de pertànyer al moviment del PdCAT, o si això, en un futur que jo ja veuré, una Esquerra Republicana, ja que això té futur, som els obrers catalans els més democràtics d'Europa, i per això, salimos a combatir a tot el que ens joden, perquè per joder, ya estoy yo.

Damn, i love you BBBBBBBBBBRRRRRAAAAAAABBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBRAAAAA REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE ROOOOOOOOOO WEEEEEEE WOOOOOOO music, it is really good, and expresses your emotions well :) good job

CringeDogge (6 years ago)
i'm glad multiple people here make BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB music

3je9j2A (6 years ago)

8TracksMusicMan648 (7 years ago)
Hello. I hope you're doing good today.

TheVideoGamer64 (7 years ago)
How are you?
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