I have been resurrected
LolwutPear's Channel
Recent Activity
LolwutPear Turns out the Windows 8.1 Destruction file is corrupted, I will post the only footage that remains. (1 week ago)
LolwutPear I found old videos i made and only uploaded them to YouTube from early 2023, they will be split into parts since they are so long, but the videos without the cuts will be uploaded to bitchute. (1 week ago)
LolwutPear Lmao how do I have -61 subscriptions (1 month ago)
LolwutPear If have seen my video count go down, thats cuz aniki forced me to take down some videos because of gore, and violent ideologies, sorry about that! - Sapphire Blue (2 months ago)
LolwutPear I have been resurrected (3 months ago)
Channel Comments (1,252)
lotusdubstep (1 year ago) HEY EVERYONE! DO NOT WATCH GUMBALL RIGHT FUCKING NOW!!!!!!!!!!
POINTSTINYDICK (1 year ago) @P0INT YOU have a tiny dick retard
LolwutPear (1 year ago) @StarBomberRevice2021 You probably shouldn't delete your account maybe just Unlist it or make it friends only
StarBomberRevice2021 (1 year ago) Thanks for the Support man:P. because really I'm considering on closing this channel,as theres way too many dangerous Cocksucking Shithead Mother Fucking Trolls on this horrible god damn site,which i'm also being harrassed by a shithead turd,which if he annoys me one more time i'm gonna leave this trash site.
LolwutPear (1 year ago) @SalntF0x can you honestly fuck off? you’re such a cunt. You always make me mad, you always make me want to kill myself. You literally make me want to delete my account... I really hate every moment we spend together. My time has value unless its spent with you.
SalntF0x (1 year ago) can we honestly e date? you’re so beautiful. You always make me laugh, you always make me smile. You literally make me want to become a better person... I really enjoy every moment we spend together. My time has no value unless its spent with you.
PertaniaBurch (1 year ago) @YTPMaker69420 cope latinx you will never be white. Nobody will fuck your brown women.
LolwutPear (1 year ago) @PertaniaBurch 🖕
PertaniaBurch (1 year ago) @YTPMaker69420 🤥
LolwutPear (1 year ago) @PertaniaBurch I'm not
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