LincolnProjectGhost's Channel
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Johnny Sparkle
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Aug 10, 2023
Hello every body. I am Ghost from Earth 75. I served with Nick Adams and Nick Fury at SHIELD HQ. THAN FUCKING SPIDERMAN AND DR.STRANGE FUCKED UP THE MULTIVERSE! GET ME THE FUCK OUTTA HERE!!!

Oh and Liz Cheney/Ezra Miller 24
University of Barack Obama
Hmm lets. I like collecting My Little Pony toys and I have a man crush on Josh Martin(he's a Barney performer).
When I came to this universe I watched The Dial of Destiny, Elemental and The Little Mermaid Reboot
I liked The My Little Pony Manga in my universe
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LincolnProjectGhost became friends with AlexisTheActivist (5 months ago)
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LincolnProjectGhost became friends with SuperChrisChristie (9 months ago)
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DarkHorse ☞ Jeffrey Dahmer Trolls...
This fruity bastard is gonna lose his voice.
Channel Comments (200)
ANTIFASlayer (1 year ago) You need to stop smoking crack! Seriously, One State Kasich will never win.
MexicanCapitalist (1 year ago) Shut the fuck up, you racist puto! And fuck Kasich, he has a homosexual lover, and it's obvious why you support him! I doubt you can even mail tacos and I'd puke if I saw a naked picture of Maxine Waters, you sick ass puto! I ain't horny for that disgusting windbag, but I bet you are, you sick fuck!
HipHopCapitalist (1 year ago) Course yo stupid azz support John Kasich dat has a homosexual lova, stupid dumbazz gay azz nigga! Who da fuck cares if his dad was a mailman, stupid dumbazz nigga? Abortion is a main cause fo blacks dyin, stupid dumbazz! I keepin my guns, you dumb bitch azz nigga, so fuck yo stupid azz! I ain't yo stupid homie and I ain't votin nobody fo president stupid bitch nigga!
MechanicCapitalist (1 year ago) HOW BOUT NO?! I'd much rather stick to my badass cars, thank you very much, you piece of crap! I could care less about that so called climate change crap, boi! And you're not Ghost, you're a fucking fraud! Ghost hates Trump and Putin, so I don't know what the fuck you're talking about! Stupid bastard!
ReverendCapitalist (1 year ago) Being anti abortion is the Christian conservative way! Who says that if abortion was legal, they'd probably even still exist regardless! I HATE TUCKER CARLSON, HE'S A GRIFTER AND HOW DARE YOU TELL ME TO PREFORM A SINFUL ACT! REPENT!
GunRangeCapitalist (1 year ago) Fuck Kasich, he has a homosexual lover you stupid fruity ass fruitbowl bastard! I'm not voting anyone for President, you piece of crap! Who gives a flying fuck about delivering mail, you piece of crap? Women shouldn't be in charge of anything, and I for sure don't want them killing the unborn! You better keep your hands off my guns, you piece of liberal shit! Fuck Trump and DeSantis, and of course you're a paid shill! I'm betting you're paid by Trump to make republicans look bad!
FishingCapitalist (1 year ago) Probably because you're too much of a damn tard with no fucking life! Unlike you, I work a lot and I'm not always online like your fruitbowl ass! I COULD CARE FUCKING LESS ABOUT THAT EZRA ASSHOLE! This country is the best fucking country in the fucking world, you piece of crap! Of course your fruitbowl ass supports Kasich, a man with a secret gay lover! I could care fucking damn less with my mail being delivered on time, you spaghetti eating autist lala land tard!
CosmeticsCapitalist (1 year ago) I could fucking care less about my mail arriving on time! You must be a homosexual if you support that idiot! Multiple versions? There's one stupid plastic face Nancy Pelosi you sick fuck! SHUT THE FUCK UP WITH THIS DIFFERENE UNIVERSE SHIT, AND YOU'RE A SICK FUCK! I bet you watch anime because only an anime loving freak would come up with shit like that! You're a brony too, so no surprise there! FUCKING SICK PIECE OF SHIT YOU MADE ME PUKE IN MY MOUTH A LITTLE!
Chiyo (1 year ago) I agree with Momo
Momohi (1 year ago) You subbed CNN? You are fake news!
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