LincolnProjectGhost's Channel
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Johnny Sparkle
Channel Views:
Aug 10, 2023
Hello every body. I am Ghost from Earth 75. I served with Nick Adams and Nick Fury at SHIELD HQ. THAN FUCKING SPIDERMAN AND DR.STRANGE FUCKED UP THE MULTIVERSE! GET ME THE FUCK OUTTA HERE!!!

Oh and Liz Cheney/Ezra Miller 24
University of Barack Obama
Hmm lets. I like collecting My Little Pony toys and I have a man crush on Josh Martin(he's a Barney performer).
When I came to this universe I watched The Dial of Destiny, Elemental and The Little Mermaid Reboot
I liked The My Little Pony Manga in my universe
Recent Activity
LincolnProjectGhost became friends with AlexisTheActivist (5 months ago)
LincolnProjectGhost became friends with MaskedPonyALT (5 months ago)
LincolnProjectGhost became friends with TheDirector (6 months ago)
LincolnProjectGhost became friends with SuperChrisChristie (9 months ago)
LincolnProjectGhost commented on a video (1 year ago)
DarkHorse ☞ Jeffrey Dahmer Trolls...
This fruity bastard is gonna lose his voice.
Channel Comments (200)
CosmeticsCapitalist (1 year ago) Stop calling me babe, I'M MARRIED! The fact you're friends with that Nick Adams asshole tells me everything I need to know! Two fucking Marvel obsessed manchildren tards! We don't need Adam Kinzinger or Liz Cheney, WE NEED Christie! You couldn't lay a hand on Ghost without him beating the shit out of you, and GhostPolitics on youtube is the real fucking deal! NOT YOU!
BikerCapitalist (1 year ago) How fucking dare you call me half a tard, boi! YOU'RE THE HALF A TARD! I'm not supporting Liz Cheney because I don't believe in women leadership! YOU ARE A FUCKING PLANT! YOU'RE MAKING THE RIGHT LOOK LIKE FUCKING MANCHILDREN! Trump is also a fucking vaccine salesman! And just letting you know, you sound fucking vaccinated, boi! And respect these nuts, you fucking democrat!
GamblingCapitalist (1 year ago) Sounds like something made up, so of course you're a manchild! We don't need Liz Cheney, WE NEED FUCKING CHRISTIE! I don't wax my carrot because I'm married, you sick fuck! I bet you wax your carrot and the only girl you have is Rosie Palms and her five sisters! And Chris Christie has what it takes to win after he dominates in the debates!
FishingCapitalist (1 year ago) I bet you couldn't take on anyone you piece of crap! When Ghost puts his fists in his pockets, he can be arrested for carrying lethal weapons! Seriously, Thanos? GROW THE FUCK UP YOU COMIC BOOK LOVING MANCHILD FUCK! I'm fucking glad Stan Lee is dead, he's the reason there's so many tards! Instead of reading comic books and watching movies, you should be fishing instead! You're not even worthy of being a pimple on the ass of Ghost, you fucking loser! And are you into bestiality, you sick fuck?
14AR15sRule88 (1 year ago) Gimme yer address
FishingCapitalist (1 year ago) I hate Trump as much as the next guy, but how fucking dare you make this stupid fucking account of Ghost! I wish Ghost was in front of you, because I bet he'd beat the fuck out of you and leave you in a puddle of your own blood and piss, you fucking brony manchild loser!
DOGangDarkHorse (1 year ago) πŸ–•πŸΌπŸ–•πŸΌπŸ–•πŸΌπŸ–•πŸΌ
GamblingCapitalist (1 year ago) HOW FUCKING DARE YOU ACCUSE ME OF WATCHING ANIME! AND IT'S FRUITBOWL YOU STUPID GODDAMN DNC OPERATIVE PIECE OF SHIT! I don't even care for that fucking Sean Schemmel asshole, I don't care about that tard crap! I want Christie to win because he's the only fucking adult in the fucking room! And how dare you call me a tard, YOU'RE THE TARD! I AIN'T SHOWING YOU RESPECT, YOU BETTER GIVE ME RESPECT! And what the fucking hell is SHEILD, you damn idiot? I'm not familiar in tard terminonology!
BikerCapitalist (1 year ago) YOU'RE THE FUCKING BETA YOU PIECE OF FUCKING SHIT! YOU'RE THE FAKE AND GHOSTPOLITICS IS THE REAL FUCKING GODDAMN DEAL! And I've had it with all these fucking assholes making fun of Chris Christie and his fucking weight! How much do you even fucking weigh, you fucking democrat DNC operative? And we don't need Liz Cheney, we don't even need women in power! And I hate Trump, but only Christie can beat Trump!
Shizuka (1 year ago) No just him. Not Trump. Trump did good.
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