Joined: Jun 22, 2021
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Oh Allah, strike the apostate rulers, Oh Allah, kill them one after the other, sparing none
-Abu Musab al-Zarqawi
-Abu Musab al-Zarqawi
Music: Nasheeds
Books: Quran and mein kampf
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Nasheed - They said to him, it contradicted the words of the sheikhs
From: JubaSniper
Views: 36
Comments: 0
Views: 36
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Videos (14)
Nasheed - Nahnu Ansar al-Shariah / نحن أنصار الشريعة We are the supporters of Sharia
1 year ago


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Channel Comments (11)

BlueStar (3 months ago)

thestateremains4922 (1 year ago)
Are you still active

JubaSniper (1 year ago)
@Anonymous1588 I rarely use matrix and most of my muslim brothers don't use it either, spreading the word of allah and jihad there doesn't make sense to me. i'll add you on element but do not be alarmed if i take more than several days or weeks to reply back as i hardly use it.

JubaSniper (1 year ago)
@Anonymous1588 Salam alaykum my brother. i do not use kaffircord i used to operate the servers of the daʿwah with thousands of my muslim brothers for the purpose of exchanging news and various media from the khalifah. many of these servers are destroyed and so were my accounts by the infidels. i'll continue to operate here on vidlii. i might operate on that platform in the future but in the meantime i'll operate here and elsewhere to the spread the word of global jihad.

PedotaniaBurchness (1 year ago)
Chris Kyle cucked Juba

207Punchy (2 years ago)
this is so gay

IyaMeido (3 years ago)

JubaSniper (3 years ago)
My brother to say it is satire would be a half-truth.
To say that is not would also be a half-truth.
I don't know how allah will exactly describe it in his words but the only way i can personally describe is "neither".
People view this channel differently and that's fine if they're one-sided or not. but i say is somewhere inbetween and some will disagree and that is also fine.
But i also appreciate you commenting and viewing this channel, may allah bless your soul.
To say that is not would also be a half-truth.
I don't know how allah will exactly describe it in his words but the only way i can personally describe is "neither".
People view this channel differently and that's fine if they're one-sided or not. but i say is somewhere inbetween and some will disagree and that is also fine.
But i also appreciate you commenting and viewing this channel, may allah bless your soul.
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