JonasGreyston I introduce you fucks my FlashThemes avatar and I tell you, this is how I actually look. I don't accept people making my avatar from their own liking: https://flashthemes.net/character/creator/family/copy/c-265271/ (4 weeks ago) |
JonasGreyston I'm now on my own. Time to focus on my own things like harassing celebrities and so on. (3 months ago) |
JonasGreyston STFU you Latina scum. You deserve to lose your beautiful hair for saying that you hate America back in last decade. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NPLeSCskNc4&pp=ygUYYXJpYW5hIGdyYW5kZSBsb3NlcyBoYWly (7 months ago) |
JonasGreyston Francesca Amewudah-Rivers can go back to Africa and die there for fucking up William Shakespeare's famous work, by portraying a white character who is an Italian. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oq1LIWxHd1M&pp=ygUcdG9tIGhvbGxhbmQgcm9tZW8gYW5kIGp1bGlldA%3D%3D (7 months ago) |
JonasGreyston More like she deserves to be racially abused because not only she ruined the character Juliet, she also knows nothing about the skin of the character's color. She is ruining William Shakespeare's work. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/2QDTqhwvZbQ (7 months ago) |