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GilGaladsMinion became friends with u (1 year ago) | ||
GilGaladsMinion became friends with 0o0 (1 year ago) | ||
GilGaladsMinion became friends with GoongyaesMinion (4 years ago) | ||
GilGaladsMinion became friends with JombsMinion (4 years ago) |
Channel Comments (84)
MeatisUnhealthy (11 months ago)
Shinogi (1 year ago)
*Grabs you by your shirt and beats the shit outta you* HAHAHAHAHHAHA
Yasubei (1 year ago)
I thought fat toads like you enjoy a nice spring shower!
TheDisneyNinja (1 year ago)
I think you need a diaper change.
Sayo (1 year ago)
Do it. They deserve it. They also need to be spanked and beaten as well.
Sayo (1 year ago)
You should. And get the other instructors and the superintendent to punish him.
Yasubei (4 years ago)
*Pisses on your head from a building*
Shinogi (4 years ago)
*Farts on you*
Zakuro (4 years ago)
Hayate (4 years ago)
Yare yare daze!
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