George W Bush #43
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GeorgeWBush commented on a video (2 years ago) Teardown 9/11
Freaking sweet! |
GeorgeWBush became friends with Zelenski (2 years ago) | ||
GeorgeWBush commented on a video (2 years ago) 9/11 1st crash
I did that! |
GeorgeWBush commented on a video (6 years ago) Community Devastated By KFC Closure...
That's where you're wrong Obama, more guns would have prevented this tragedy |
Channel Comments (7)
4dojo (2 years ago)
Hey George.
0w0 (2 years ago)
alfaniner (2 years ago)
When are you going to admit that the Patriot Act was to give the government all the money and power and give access to spy on all the American people? Also, when are you going to admit your dad was CIA?
dothemario (6 years ago)
RoyalKingKyle (6 years ago)
What's Up W. How you doing?
GeorgeWBush (6 years ago)
@Moltern that is a proven lie! That was the work of those ruthless sons of bitches at Al-Qaeda
Moltern (6 years ago)
you did 9/11
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