ChristopherHarrison's Channel
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Sep 19, 2024
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ChristopherHarrison Leopard Butcher, Damien Bakirtzis, Stefan Bakirtzis, Elena Makris, Frida Heikkinen, Julian Berger, Alejandro Romero, Felipe Romero, Emiliano Muto and Connor Stone all became normal people as well. (2 weeks ago)
ChristopherHarrison Remember Alexander Harrison, Daniel Johnson and Trevor Harrington? They all have learnt their lessons as well. (2 weeks ago)
ChristopherHarrison Oh, and one more thing I forgot, I'm done stealing every single FlashThemes videos from people as well. I regret doing that as well. (2 weeks ago)
ChristopherHarrison We've gone way too far for how we waste all of our lives making tons of shit love videos out of some 2 users when it comes to using the clips showing male and female in them. Right now, we regret doing that nowadays. Still, a certain Romanian brat is a bitch anyways. (3 weeks ago)
ChristopherHarrison One more thing to say, we're also done combining everyone with others as well. It's a waste of time nowadays, though I already retired from the war. (3 weeks ago)
Channel Comments (17)
ChristopherHarrison (2 weeks ago) Leopard Butcher, Damien Bakirtzis, Stefan Bakirtzis, Elena Makris, Frida Heikkinen, Julian Berger, Alejandro Romero, Felipe Romero, Emiliano Muto and Connor Stone all became normal people as well.
ChristopherHarrison (2 weeks ago) Remember Alexander Harrison, Daniel Johnson and Trevor Harrington? They all have learnt their lessons as well.
ChristopherHarrison (2 weeks ago) Oh, and one more thing I forgot, I'm done stealing every single FlashThemes videos from people as well.

I regret doing that as well.
ChristopherHarrison (3 weeks ago) We've gone way too far for how we waste all of our lives making tons of shit love videos out of some 2 users when it comes to using the clips showing male and female in them.

Right now, we regret doing that nowadays. Still, a certain Romanian brat is a bitch anyways.
ChristopherHarrison (3 weeks ago) One more thing to say, we're also done combining everyone with others as well.

It's a waste of time nowadays, though I already retired from the war.
ChristopherHarrison (3 weeks ago) I've seen George Sandler has apologized to me on MeWe as well, and I forgive him and the rest of the Magnus Baumbach allies as well.
ChristopherHarrison (3 weeks ago) I'm never going to join the war ever again.

This war can kill my reputation and I'm glad that I've already left this crappy war 1 day ago.
ChristopherHarrison (3 weeks ago) All of my horrible pasts that I was in either the light or dark side will forever be forgotten.

Nowadays, I will be a non-sider.
ChristopherHarrison (3 weeks ago) To tell you guys the truth, Sonia and I didn't actually fly to Russia, we were pretending to be Russians the whole time.

As a matter of fact, we are still from UK.
ChristopherHarrison (3 weeks ago) Soon or later, I'll be updating my FlashThemes avatar so I won't be a look-alike compared to Boris Badenov from Rocky & Bullwinkle and Friends anymore.
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