ChristopherHarrison's Channel
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Sep 19, 2024
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ChristopherHarrison Leopard Butcher, Damien Bakirtzis, Stefan Bakirtzis, Elena Makris, Frida Heikkinen, Julian Berger, Alejandro Romero, Felipe Romero, Emiliano Muto and Connor Stone all became normal people as well. (2 weeks ago)
ChristopherHarrison Remember Alexander Harrison, Daniel Johnson and Trevor Harrington? They all have learnt their lessons as well. (2 weeks ago)
ChristopherHarrison Oh, and one more thing I forgot, I'm done stealing every single FlashThemes videos from people as well. I regret doing that as well. (2 weeks ago)
ChristopherHarrison We've gone way too far for how we waste all of our lives making tons of shit love videos out of some 2 users when it comes to using the clips showing male and female in them. Right now, we regret doing that nowadays. Still, a certain Romanian brat is a bitch anyways. (3 weeks ago)
ChristopherHarrison One more thing to say, we're also done combining everyone with others as well. It's a waste of time nowadays, though I already retired from the war. (3 weeks ago)
Channel Comments (17)
ChristopherHarrison (3 weeks ago) In one condition, I still hate a certain Romanian Karen and a certain Italian mafia to this day.

I'll let these 2 dickheads to be asses they have been before.
ChristopherHarrison (3 weeks ago) I've also chatted with Kevin Jackson, Valdemar Rasmussen and Antonio Carvalho and they told me that they stopped trolling Nicholas Milner, the Timothy Calverick allies, the Magnus Baumbach allies and a certain group whom I no longer care about anymore.

Those 3 decided to be on their owns nowadays.
ChristopherHarrison (3 weeks ago) I've chatted with Andrew Harrison (formerly known as Fearless Andrew) and he told me that he stops trolling people nowadays.

Not to forget, he also quits raging in all caps too.
ChristopherHarrison (3 weeks ago) It was nice knowing that Amy Martin forgave me and my sister Sonia for the shit we did to her for the past 1 year.

And yes, we talked stuff out and we're cool now.
ChristopherHarrison (3 weeks ago) Without my horrible memories, I can finally start a new fresh.
ChristopherHarrison (3 weeks ago) As much as I am now done trolling people for good nowadays, it's a good thing that a fake French sock made by a certain cunt whom I'm ignoring got banned on VidLii.

Serves the latter and their socks right for making my life miserable in the past. No wonder why I retired from the war nowadays.
ChristopherHarrison (3 weeks ago) I was once in the dark side as "Christopher Badenov" since March 2023. That is until some shitheads from that group had sat this whole thing up against me and started to harass me for no reason at all.

I'm glad that I made the right thing to be in the normal side. Now as a normal person.
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