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Andrew Ambrose
AndrewAmbrose Joined: Feb 02, 2020 Last Sign In: 2 weeks ago Subscribers: 150 Video Views: 19,658 Channel Views: 1,139
Age: 20
I make YouTube Poops, game reviews, and other wacky stuff. If you like what you see, then rate, favorite and subscribe (and share with your friends because I gotta get this around to everyone).

Be sure to like, comment on, share, and subscribe to my content if you enjoy it, and consider supporting me on Patreon (100% optional):
Country: United States
Interests: memes, video games, Japan, music, and animation
Connect with AndrewAmbrose
Subscribers (150)
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Subscriptions (37)
Channel Comments
Satanas666 (2 months ago)

BystrzakTV (2 months ago)
I invite you to our pathology! We are the first Polish channel with pathology on Vidlii! Nice videos bro!
g0ru (2 months ago)
Cool Channel andrew!
biggiebungus (3 months ago)
absolute classic
AndrewAmbrose (1 year ago)
@WingCapArnold Thank you!
WingCapArnold (1 year ago)
cool channel
boa654 (1 year ago)
hi want to be friends
AndrewAmbrose (1 year ago)
@SillyLaird My Discord ID is Andrew Ambrose#9774
sillylaird (1 year ago)
do you have xmpp or jabber or discord? would love to talk to you in real time :)
Slutgear (2 years ago)
Hi! 🤍💛
Just here paying the sub+friend tax :) 🤍💛
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Recent Activity
AndrewAmbrose favorited a video (3 weeks ago)
Golvellius (Sega Master System) - O...
Compile's Golvellius is an action adventure game that I've known about for years but never really played for an extended period of time. Since I've be...
AndrewAmbrose favorited a video (3 weeks ago)
YTP Tennis (vs. GrizzlyHare - Round...
This took me about a week to make in Final Cut Pro X. Long time coming, huh? I sincerely apologize for only making one YouTube Poop in the entirety ...
AndrewAmbrose favorited a video (1 month ago)
andrew and bandana dee (and clyde) ...
Look, it's Andrew (me)! And Bandana Dee! And even Clyde! Yes, that's right! I've got a second cosplay now, and it's none other than Clyde from the Pac...
AndrewAmbrose favorited a video (1 month ago)
nice catch, ridge racer
Another year, another meme (or maybe two or three; I dunno). I finally watched all 25 of the classic G.I. Joe PSA parodies by Fenslerfilm a few month...
AndrewAmbrose favorited a video (1 month ago)
blinky and pinky on valentine's day
It's Valentine's Day, and Pinky has something sweet in mind for Blinky... Yeah, I still haven't done a full-length Pac-Man plush video in forever, but...