4500 Productions
4500Productions's Channel
4500 Productions
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Feb 13, 2020
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2 weeks ago
"Low budget, high entertainment."

4500 Productions was a very exciting time in terms of film making. In those days, I was really inspired by the sketch comedy videos that seemed to be the buzz of YouTube back in the day, and wanted to replicate that in some degree. The big idea was trying to create videos for my friends in particular to enjoy. Thankfully, my friend Tommy was a hilarious guy. And as we made videos and uploaded, reception from our friends was very positive. Soon after, I can recall getting messages from friends asking "when is the next video'?" and related questions. One time, someone I didn't know too well in my class asked for my autograph. As a preteen, that was quite remarkable.

The relative success of the project led to bigger plans to be in the works - a full-length series consisting initially of me, Tommy and our other talented friends Jackson and Brooke. It would've been the four of us getting into unbelievable and impractical situations, sometimes over-the-top for comedic purposes. As time went on, however, the plans for the series folded. Three episodes for this series were actually filmed though ultimately left imcomplete.

I did not watch the 4500 videos for years, except for one or two. But recently, I found myself revisiting them after talking about them with my girlfriend Nicole who revitalized my interest in the process. Now I feel with Vidlii, all the videos from YouTube can be reuploaded here, and that can be used to re-experience the good ol' days once more. As a treat, I've included the three incompleted filmed episodes, along with several other videos that never saw the light of day on YouTube. To finish it off, two videos made relatively recently with my friend Brandon and my brother Preston are included as well.

Thank you to those made the experience one worth remembering, particularly Tommy, Brooke, Jackson, Brandon and Preston. And I'd like to give a special thanks to Nicole for giving me the final push to revisit these memories. Otherwise, I wouldn't have done this.

- Clayton

(February 12, 2020)
United States
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4500Productions became friends with mariofreak4500 (4 years ago)
4500Productions became friends with Nicole (4 years ago)
Channel Comments (2)
jillajunk94 (4 years ago) This is the content that I am here for! <3
Nicole (4 years ago) I'm your #1 fan!
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