2D's Channel
Uploads (355)
190 2D - 27 views
2 2D - 30 views
minecraft gaming
minecraft gaming 2D - 39 views
yes you can
yes you can 2D - 24 views
Welcome 3
Welcome 3 2D - 12 views
2D - 14 views
180 2D - 8 views
2D - 228 views
170 2D - 15 views
fodder 2D - 25 views
alkahal 2D - 11 views
miau 2D - 43 views
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Subscribers (211)

Axol - Introducing me to Vidlii
Zach - Being Awesome!
whitepaperkat - Being Awesome! (nice updated name btw)
idiot - Being Awesome!
Trolly - Being Awesome!
b4X - was here ;)
And thank YOU for supporting 2D!

Recent Activity
2D logged in to check for any messages sent here, description on recent video was messed up at the start so in case anyone missed it, those are my new contacts and where I'll be uploading. (6 months ago)
2D became friends with poop (8 months ago)
2D became friends with turboboost (9 months ago)
2D became friends with windows7dabestonelol (10 months ago)
2D became friends with BigMushroomFan (10 months ago)
Channel Comments (136)
Fo (2 months ago) Fo.
theokimber (3 months ago) hi bro, vidlii has retuned from not being a shock site, gg, hopefully u can come back..
windows7dabestonelol (6 months ago) how ya been :D
2D (6 months ago) With how unsafe VidLii's security is, if this page changes or if any new uploads are posted to this channel after this date, my page was likely vandalized. If this page is said to be voluntarily terminated, I wasn't behind it.
2D (6 months ago) This channel will not be closed by me at least as this page will be considered an archive. To those who enjoyed and subscribed, thank you. To those who made cool content, even after the path VidLii went, thank you. I will log into this account less, if VidLii somehow comes back and becomes better than it is now, I might consider coming back. (2/2)
2D (6 months ago) This is probably gonna be goodbye, 6 whole years on VidLii. I had some fun, at the same time, I've seen a lot of things I wish I didn't. After VidLii went off the deep end, I had a small amount of hope that maybe the VidLii I found and enjoyed would come back, that all of this gore and nazi edits would go away or at least shrink, a few days ago, something happened that would crush this hope, after I found out, I was considering quitting VidLii and I've made the decision to do so. (1/2)
2D (6 months ago) @RobloxFox200 I think you just hate the letter y
RobloxFox200 (6 months ago) no im not hate minecraft the game is still fun
2D (6 months ago) @RobloxFox200 I think you just hate minecraft
RobloxFox200 (6 months ago) yep even minecraft gaming the video on vidlii is weird
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