About VidLii
Jun 15, 2021 by TF2Zaiaz

Wheatley from Portal as the VidLii logo? Why not
May 23, 2021 by ITAC85

Removes all CSS elements that old browsers don't have support for, essentially making the site load better on older browsers.
Please let me know if there's bugs in it, I'll fix it later.
May 17, 2021 by xXMattXD

2009 logo that works with VidBit 1.1 Theme by 11pixels! Sorry for the low quality, I will make it better another time, just wait :D
Tested on Google Chrome but it's an image change and it should works everywhere
Mar 03, 2021 by F1U2K3I

If anyone's feeling more nostalgic for the look of 2006/2007 YouTube (aka LOSERS), i made this. It removes gradients and rounded borders and all that so it looks like 2006 YouTube (
Haven't tested on browsers other on Chrome, i don't even have them ...
Nov 17, 2020 by sanbor11

If you don't like the old version don't worry you can get the new design with this theme