peketo's Channel
Age: 114
Country: Comoros
Interests: retro videogaming
Movies: scarface, avatar, predator, nightmare on elm street,friday the 13th,tmnt 90 live action,let me in,the ring and some others xD
Music: Korn
Books: Where the Red Fern Grows
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peketo (6 years ago)

ww2 (6 years ago)
Siempre lo fui, compañero.

ww2 (6 years ago)
Hola peketo, soy tu padre.

AmuChan (6 years ago)

Metalcore18 (6 years ago)

Eco419 (6 years ago)
holis :p

TheWolfPeople (6 years ago)
hola como estas :D

NeroxLoquendo (6 years ago)
Hola :D

TheVideoGamer64 (6 years ago)
Hey welcome to VidLii. :)

JanibunnyChan (6 years ago)
Thank you for subscribing and have fun on my channel as well as with my videos :)
Thank you for subscribing and have fun on my channel as well as with my videos :)
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