Subscriptions (17)
Channel Comments (22)

Franek124 (8 months ago)
F is for Franek

BLOX (9 months ago)

LolwutPear (1 year ago)
F is for Fuck Niggers

BLOX (1 year ago)
F is for Fags

360p (3 years ago)
f is for ….

Kenulpes (3 years ago)
Fri fayer

00000 (4 years ago)
Congrats "F" u have been subbed
and u r now on the classicusernames list
and u r now on the classicusernames list

Cazzy (4 years ago)
I like how the video plays on this channel from my old "Fuck" channel, it's great. xD

pi (5 years ago)
F is to pay respects
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