amymartin2323's Channel
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amymartin2323 Life is sure better without a certain now-extinct ally group and their creator who was a part of it. It's a miracle that we won't have any more problems over the latter's shitty lies ever again. We all can now have peace and rest for once. (2 weeks ago)
amymartin2323 I'm glad that almost everyone whom we used to target has all changed. (2 weeks ago)
amymartin2323 2 former friends of mine would've still be in the light side if Jim Harino and his socks never keep accusing me of dating the same users while accusing them of dating other users. In fact, they are THE REAL MASTERMIND OF why those 2 have been in the longest horribly situation for the past 1 year. (3 weeks ago)
amymartin2323 No matter how many people Jim Harino has accused me of dating, he will just waste his life accusing me of dating more other people, even he is not always doing to me as much as he used to in the past. (3 weeks ago)
amymartin2323 Jim Harino has accused me of dating over like 200 people around. I never had boyfriend or girlfriend to begin with anyways, and he should know better than that. (3 weeks ago)
Channel Comments (132)
amymartin2323 (1 month ago) I've been giving up being the leader of the Selena Mitchell allies for the 3rd times in a row. On June 2021, August 2022 and June of this year.

But this time, I DID permanently quit leading them for real this time. And I swear, I will never give this another chance ever again because if I do, then I would continue getting harassed nonstop by making even more lies about me. So the decision was already decided and that's it.
amymartin2323 (1 month ago) Why can't these people EVER stop pricking on me already?

I'm fed up with them harassing me over and over again nonstop. This is the good reason why I permanently quit being the leader of the Selena Mitchell allies for good. I'm sick of them minding our former group name and falsely claiming to go after the associates of mine while they wasted their harassing me nonstop like a bunch of pedophiles/teleiophiles they are.
amymartin2323 (1 month ago) I might consider retiring from the war soon.

I can't stand those idiots harassing me over and over again nonstop anymore. These false allegations against me are taking way too far.
amymartin2323 (1 month ago) Jim Harino's stupidity is the reason why all of my associates still hate the members from a certain group (you know who) to this day.

They were about to leave them alone, but no! Jim LITERALLY lets them to continue torturing them by bringing the same crappy false relationship rumors about me, wasting their life still mentioning someone whom they used to always accuse me of dating nonstop who doesn't give a shit about them anymore.
amymartin2323 (1 month ago) But what if I never called Jim Harino and his socks lazy since March 2023? Oh, I know why. They will STAY UP making the SAME false relationship rumors about me dating some retired user no matter what.

But hey, at least the same false relationship rumor madness against were already ended (though I still can't still have an off day without getting slandered).
amymartin2323 (1 month ago) Jesus Christ...
amymartin2323 (1 month ago) I've updated about my new tab on my main VidLii page for a good reason.

Case closed!
amymartin2323 (1 month ago) I'm not coming back to become the leader of the Selena Mitchell allies and that's final.

My career of leading them was already destroyed because of Jim Harino's stupidity lies and minding the name of the group.
amymartin2323 (1 month ago) Stop treating me to be only sockpuppeter ALREADY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You must be secretly accusing me of creating sock accounts ever since October 2023 where you started to make FlashThemes videos.
amymartin2323 (1 month ago) Jim Harino and his socks used to treat me and my associates to be different person, but not anymore. They are TREATING US to be the SAME person.

They are only doing this ever since I was confronting them all for simply not going after my associates and claiming to go after them when they didn't.
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