amymartin2323's Channel
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Recent Activity
amymartin2323 Life is sure better without a certain now-extinct ally group and their creator who was a part of it. It's a miracle that we won't have any more problems over the latter's shitty lies ever again. We all can now have peace and rest for once. (2 weeks ago)
amymartin2323 I'm glad that almost everyone whom we used to target has all changed. (2 weeks ago)
amymartin2323 2 former friends of mine would've still be in the light side if Jim Harino and his socks never keep accusing me of dating the same users while accusing them of dating other users. In fact, they are THE REAL MASTERMIND OF why those 2 have been in the longest horribly situation for the past 1 year. (3 weeks ago)
amymartin2323 No matter how many people Jim Harino has accused me of dating, he will just waste his life accusing me of dating more other people, even he is not always doing to me as much as he used to in the past. (3 weeks ago)
amymartin2323 Jim Harino has accused me of dating over like 200 people around. I never had boyfriend or girlfriend to begin with anyways, and he should know better than that. (3 weeks ago)
Channel Comments (132)
amymartin2323 (3 months ago) Nobody in this world are created by me and that's FUCKING FINAL!

When these false accusations against me ever stop already? I want this madness to STOP!
amymartin2323 (3 months ago) I can't believe that James Bonchano and Michael Bonchano took psychology on me the whole time...

If only I never kept making FlashThmes videos out of them and the rest of the dark side and calling them lazy in the first place...
amymartin2323 (3 months ago) Just mass flagged all of the sexual content Lazy James Bonchano.

I've enough of him and his shitty lies about me.
amymartin2323 (4 months ago) Jesus Christ...
amymartin2323 (4 months ago) If only I never formed my group to be "the Amy Martin allies", then I wouldn't have to keep getting targeted and slandered over and over again in the first place...

Now these false accusation rumors about me is making it things even more worse.
amymartin2323 (4 months ago) False accusations, false accusations everywhere...
amymartin2323 (5 months ago) 2021: The dark side members wasting their lives going after me and the same 3 members of my allies (though one of them already retired from the war for good)

2022: The dark side members wasting their lives going after me and some retired user

2023: The dark side members wasting their lives going after me and Sir Michael Stiffarm Topham (though he still sucks)

Now in present day: The dark side members wasting their lives going after me, some Italian bloke and Vietnamese GoFag (though he sucks)
amymartin2323 (5 months ago) The Chris Bonchano allies (including Lucas Bonchano), I tell you, will never learn...

Although they ever amount to do is to waste their time going after me, some Italian user and the Vietnamese GoFag nigger Dave Howard (though he deserved it) over and over and over and over again nonstop rather than harassing any of other users.

They don't even CARE about ANYTHING what other people do to them AT ALL! This is why I want all of them gone from the internet. They're all giving me a headache a lot.
amymartin2323 (5 months ago) Considered using this account to talk about random stuffs and so on.
amymartin2323 (6 months ago) The Lazy Chris Bonchano allies may have made fun of me and my allies over the shits that happened, but they will receive karma anyways.
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